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Stor-Mor top dry system
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Posted 9/8/2016 06:31 (#5516459)
Subject: Stor-Mor top dry system

I farm in Southern Minnesota and currently natural air dry about 40K bushels of corn every year. I need to add some traditional drying capacity to complement the natural air drying. I am looking at putting up a 30' Stor-Mor Ezee-Dry system. Can anyone who currently has a system like this comment on how well it works, any problems, would they do it again? Thanks!
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Posted 9/8/2016 07:51 (#5516599 - in reply to #5516459)
Subject: RE: Stor-Mor top dry system

NW Iowa
I have owned a 30 footer since 1976. Simple to operate once it is set. I think I've replaced a couple of thermostats in the drying chamber for the automatic shutoff and a handful of capacitors on the fan motor in that time. Economical to run. Grain quality is excellent if the heat is kept reasonable. Put up a second used 27 footer in 2003. Mine are both set up for batch drying. I've never had a problem with grain spoilage out against the walls.
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Posted 9/8/2016 07:53 (#5516605 - in reply to #5516459)
Subject: RE: Stor-Mor top dry system

Black Hawk Co IA
We have had one for 30-plus years and it works very well. Best thing is simplicity - fill, dry, dump, repeat. No augers or switches to fail or shut off unexpectedly. We have a Calc-u-dri monitor to automatically shut down when dry, and some have automated theirs to act more like a continuous flow system. For a one man show, it's very good, we always had enough wagons/trucks to hold a batch so we could fill them and have another batch ready to go. Now have a hopper bin to hold several batches worth to keep dryer going overnight. Downside is probably a bit slower than other systems. If you need the additional bin space, would be a great addition.
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Posted 9/8/2016 07:53 (#5516606 - in reply to #5516459)
Subject: RE: Stor-Mor top dry system

A 30 foot would need about 1500 for a batch

nice to have a batch ready to refill
I think a person need 30 to 40 hours of wet storage to complement a dryer
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Posted 9/8/2016 08:09 (#5516632 - in reply to #5516459)
Subject: RE: Stor-Mor top dry system

Southeast mn
We looked at putting a top dry in a few years back the only problem we saw was drying over night without putting a wet bin up. We figured we would have to put up a 10k wet bin to give us capacity. Well we didn't want all the added cost of another bin and more augers and such so we put up a 12k bin that's a continuous flow in bin dryer. It works great for us all the wet corn gets preheated so to say. It is run by a cal cu dry. By going this route we only had to put up one bin instead of 2 and we also gained storage room.
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Greg in NCIA
Posted 9/8/2016 13:35 (#5517202 - in reply to #5516459)
Subject: RE: Stor-Mor top dry system

North Central Iowa

I've got an old one that I batch dried with for years.  It worked very well except for the babysitting required to get many bushels through it.  About ten years ago I got Agri Steel out of Lyle Mn to help me automate it with Kahler controls.  Now with the addition of a wet bin, I can dry nearly 1,000 bushels per hour taking out 5 points at a fraction of the cost of a new continuous flow dryer.  My Top Dry was already connected to several 48' storage bins so I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place.  I think even if I was starting from scratch, I would consider using the Top Dry again.  I've got no complaints.

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Posted 9/8/2016 15:54 (#5517413 - in reply to #5516459)
Subject: RE: Stor-Mor top dry system

North Central Iowa
Simple system. Get storage to go with it. No stirators! Have 2 24ft Stormor Ezee Dry Bins. They are batch dryers but it works for me. Mine are in line with a 3400 bu wet bin and a Hutchinson Grain pump system to fill and empty bins.

Having dryers "wway up there" is not an issue. Dont need to take em down unless after 40 yrs you want to repaint them. Every thing is serviceable. Motor brgs can be replaced "up there"

Some years a guy doesnt need a dryer, so in this case you can still use the bin. If you buy a separate dryer unit, it jus sits there, not being used some years.

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Posted 9/8/2016 19:24 (#5517716 - in reply to #5517413)
Subject: RE: Stor-Mor top dry system

central Iowa
mhredman - 9/8/2016 15:54

Simple system. Get storage to go with it. No stirators! Have 2 24ft Stormor Ezee Dry Bins. They are batch dryers but it works for me. Mine are in line with a 3400 bu wet bin and a Hutchinson Grain pump system to fill and empty bins.

Having dryers "wway up there" is not an issue. Dont need to take em down unless after 40 yrs you want to repaint them. Every thing is serviceable. Motor brgs can be replaced "up there"

Some years a guy doesnt need a dryer, so in this case you can still use the bin. If you buy a separate dryer unit, it jus sits there, not being used some years.

My dad put one up in 1973, I still use it. It's not a BTO dryer but there is very little to go wrong. Efficiency goes up if you have warm grain below while drying above. Also, the last dried batch of the year, drop it and refill the drying chamber with dried corn. It will keep rusted out bin panels from happening and spoiled grain.
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