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Will I be happy with a 9570?
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Buck Deere
Posted 8/23/2016 07:04 (#5484994)
Subject: Will I be happy with a 9570?

We have been looking to replace our high houred 9500 (5000 eng. hours) and a 9400 that came with a farm we bought. We have been looking at 9670's and now a very nice low houred (800 engine, 600 sep.) 9570 is going to be at a local auction coming up. We currenty are farming 1200 acres - 600 corn and 600 soybeans. We are also hoping to run a 6 row corn head for a few years and maybe go to a 8 row at some point. We are running a 625F on our 9500 but will be going to a 630F with air for the new combine. Will we be happy with this setup? If we add a 2-300 acres, will a 9570 be enough capacity? Is there any must have options for a 9570?
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Posted 8/23/2016 07:08 (#5484998 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

West Central Illinois
Combines are like tractors. It's hard to get them too big.
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Posted 8/23/2016 07:15 (#5485022 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

Very happy with our 9570. Hauling away is our biggest problem not combine capacity. Run a 625f and 893 but it could probably handle a 30 very easy.
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Posted 8/23/2016 07:16 (#5485026 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

West Union, IOWA FLOLO Farm 52175
Ran a 9570 with 12r..... Biggest downfall was the Unloading auger.

Otherwise it was a nice balanced machine.

9770 now..... Extra power is handy, but she likes the fuel barrel
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Posted 8/23/2016 07:47 (#5485089 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

If you are dead set on the 30 ft head go with a 9670. Green stem beans could be a disaster with the 9570 and the 30 ft head, I've managed to choke the feederhouse a number of times going slow with a 22 ft head. Unloading auger is definitely not fast, there is option for a longer auger. Our operation is about the same size as yours and if we added 2-300 acres we'd go to a class 6 to be able to cut wheat and beans quicker. The 9570 does excellent in corn and if you unload on the go you can keep 2 large trucks very busy.
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JD 9400
Posted 8/23/2016 07:48 (#5485091 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

Southern Pa.
I think one downfall of the 9570 was the 6.8L engine at 265 hp. Almost pushing that engine beyond it's limits. But that probably depends on how hard the operater pushes it. The 9.0L in the 96/97/9870 had some crank and liner height issues in the early offerings. If you end up looking at an earlier 96/97/9870, it might be wise to make sure these issues have been resolved.

You'll love the capacity of these machines, especially in beans, compared to what you have now.

Good luck!!
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Posted 8/23/2016 07:51 (#5485098 - in reply to #5485091)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

Agree 100% with it being underpowered and pushed to the max.

9870 has the 13.5L.
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JD 9400
Posted 8/23/2016 07:54 (#5485106 - in reply to #5485098)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

Southern Pa.
mocofarmer7 - 8/23/2016 08:51

Agree 100% with it being underpowered and pushed to the max.

9870 has the 13.5L.

You're right about the 13.5 in the 9870, my bad.

Edited by JD 9400 8/23/2016 07:56
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j Feces
Posted 8/23/2016 07:58 (#5485111 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

SW Ont
Buck I have 9570 w 893 and 630. No problem w either. About same acres as you with some wheat in the mix. We have done very well in high yielding crops with this machine. Unload is a little slow but not a problem. Good luck.
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SWIA Row Crop
Posted 8/23/2016 08:45 (#5485184 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

Southwest Iowa
We went through two 9570s at different times. We ran a 608 and 625. A little over double the acres you are running. Would love to have one of those machines back for a second bean combine. Only difference was then we had a 9410 for a second machine on beans. Several guys here running 9570s with 30ft platforms.
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Posted 8/23/2016 08:45 (#5485185 - in reply to #5485111)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

North central Iowa
Put the unload sprocket off a 9670 on the 9570 to speed it up makes a big difference.
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Posted 8/23/2016 08:55 (#5485203 - in reply to #5485184)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

Glendale Ky.
I went to a 9570 from a 2006 9660 and wasn't happy so i traded it back to the same dealer for a nice 2010 9770 with PWRD. the 9570 had 630 hrs and the 9770 had 1103hrs. the 9570 was 2wd and one year newer. I hope it was a good trade.
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Posted 8/23/2016 10:53 (#5485377 - in reply to #5485203)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

central Indiana
where are you located? neighbor has 9570 for sale.. small farm, clean combine
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Posted 8/23/2016 11:00 (#5485383 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

Central Iowa
We ran a 9570 for three season's, two of those years we had a 625 and a 6 row corn head. Last season we ran it with a 630 and an 8 row, In tough green stem beans I felt it was under powered on a 30ft, and with an 8 row head running 250 bu corn it was lacking power. we just upgraded to a class 6 for more power/capcacity. Otherwise it was a great machine, traded her off with 655 separator hours and its at the dealership now.
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Posted 8/23/2016 11:42 (#5485433 - in reply to #5485091)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

Fairbury, NE (Southeast)
This is on the money. Had a 9550 Walker with the 6.8 and always felt like it could blow. 8.1 or 9 more comfortable in the machine.
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Posted 8/23/2016 12:24 (#5485484 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

Yes...Until The Engine Blows... Then No..!
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Posted 8/23/2016 12:34 (#5485500 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

Walcott, the big truck stop
Run a 9570 with 625f and 6 row head on a similar area. In 200-250 corn the combine can run 4.5-5mph and is never the pinch point...hauling it away is. Beans are so variable. When things are dry I feel like it can push the 25' head faster than I can watch for objects in 65bu beans (5mph +). If stems are green in the same yield then 3mph is all she's got. The chopper fins do a nice job with 25' also.
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Posted 8/23/2016 15:18 (#5485671 - in reply to #5485500)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

East Central Indiana
Now this is coming from a red combine guy but here are my thoughts.
If you are planning to go to an 8 row head in the near future don't buy a class 5 machine. We have been running a 5088 with an 8 row head for 7 years. And I wouldn't do it again. Our next machine will be a class 7.
It does OK if corn is dry but if you try to push 23% moisture corn through a class 5 with an 8 row head it's not going to be a lot of fun. And even in dry corn you will have to watch your speed or you'll be throwing some over the back.
If you never shell anything until it's 17% you might be alright.

Now I'll probably get the responses from those with green underwear that a green combine would not have that problem. Yada yada yada. But I have really good friend who sells for Deere and he said it's the same way with their class 5.
Deere makes an excellent combine. But a class five isn't meant to push 8 rows and sure isn't meant to push 12!!!
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Posted 8/23/2016 19:35 (#5486088 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

North Central Indiana
This will be our third year with a 9570. 6 row corn head with calmer choppers and 630F bean head

Moved from a 9500, same corn head and 925F bean head.

We don't push it that hard in corn because it is tough to keep the corn away in high yielding corn
Biggest difference was beans. Amazing how much faster the machine can handle beans and with 5 foot more on the head and 1.2 to 2 more mph I feel we are almost twice as fast harvesting soybeans.

There have been valve issues with the 6.8 and I would do the research before buying a 9570

Neighbor last year on his second year with a 09 9570 running a 20 foot head valve let loose and parts got sucked back in and trashed the engine. I'm still under an extended warranty for this season but I still had my tech run the valves as I don't want that problem in the middle of the season.

Also the guy mentioned if your looking at a 8 row head in the future you probably can get to a 9770 for about the same money. Neighbor ran a 6 row on a 9770 for two years before he went 8 row and got along fine. Had to run singles for the 6 row
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Posted 8/23/2016 23:33 (#5486724 - in reply to #5486088)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

SW Minnesota
Get a class 6 combine for a 30 ft flex. We have a 630f with a crairy air reel. The air reel take about 40 horse to run. Think about putting a chip on the 9660 we got. Green stems makes her work 3.5 to 4 miles. Also look for high unloading rate augers. In corn, high yield and moisture takes power and lots of it if you want to stay at 5 miles. If going with a chopping 8 row make damn sure it's the heavy duty reverser. If possible try finding a power shift reverser i think it's called posi drive.
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Buck Deere
Posted 8/24/2016 07:04 (#5486876 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

Thanks for all the responses. Now I think we will be looking for a 9770. Any thoughts on those for an 8 row corn head with 30 foot bean head with air, or should we be looking into a 35 foot flex with a 9770? Thanks for all the help. We want to be sure we make the right decision.
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Posted 8/24/2016 08:37 (#5487033 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

West Central IL
I had a couple of 9570's and did 8 rows and 30ft platform with no issues. The only problem is they take a long time to unload compared to a 9670. When I went to a 9670 I was amazed at how much more capacity there was and how much faster it unloaded. Just read your last post and you will want a 35ft head on a 9770 if possible.

Edited by kmk 8/24/2016 08:39
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Posted 8/24/2016 09:30 (#5487118 - in reply to #5487033)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

Pataskala Oh
Neighbors run 2 9570's. He's about the 2000 acre mark I believe? He ran only 1 till last year. Said he just wanted to get done asap. Runs 6 row corn heads and 630f bean heads and gets along great. I think a 9570 is what I'd like to get next if I ever get the chance or a need for a bigger newer machine
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