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New cattle shed/Old barn
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Posted 4/6/2016 16:55 (#5225829)
Subject: New cattle shed/Old barn

I have enjoyed the pictures many of you have posted. I thought I should payback by sharing a few of my own pictures. Out with the old and in with the new.

Garvo inspired building but I could not get past the desire to feed outside since I use NAT unsanctioned self feeders. The stuffers fit my off farm schedule very well and outside feeders help with a dryer environment in the building with less bedding, at least that is the theory.

My wife added more picks. The work was all done by Steve Thole Construction of Sibley.

Edited by Curious 4/7/2016 12:38




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Posted 4/6/2016 17:58 (#5225933 - in reply to #5225829)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

NC Iowa
Really like the building exactly what I want mind sharing cost per sq ft?
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Posted 4/6/2016 18:02 (#5225940 - in reply to #5225933)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

Casey IL. ( I -70 ) then south on rt.49
really nice.
You done wonders with that old barn. :-)
Would you mind putting where your at ,I might want stop in and have a coke.
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Posted 4/6/2016 18:32 (#5225999 - in reply to #5225940)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

Thought my location was in my profile. NW Iowa, about 25 miles South of Worthington Mn. Check in here more than I should, if you are ever headed this way let me know here.
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Posted 4/6/2016 18:39 (#5226022 - in reply to #5225933)
Subject: Holsteinfarmer

You have mail if it worked, bit of a "Luddite" here.

Edited by Curious 4/6/2016 18:40
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Posted 4/6/2016 18:43 (#5226032 - in reply to #5225829)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

Fayette Co, Iowa
Do you mind giving up some dimensions on that cattle shed. Looks great. Is it all cement?
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Posted 4/6/2016 18:53 (#5226055 - in reply to #5226032)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

80x40x16, all concrete with a thirty foot floor out front, 1 foot high curb. I am looking at putting in a higher wall segment since I have cleaned it, slop doesn't work real well at that low a height.

Had intended to leave the inside dirt based but was told by experienced building owners I would regret it, know enough already that they were right.
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Posted 4/6/2016 19:13 (#5226108 - in reply to #5226055)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

Fayette Co, Iowa
Just wondering, why so tall. ... Again just curious, I'm hoping some day I can do one similar. I have my feeders and fats in a old 20x 35 shed, 10 foot rafters, not near tall enough. Did you ever consider having cement pillars instead of wood all the way down. Sorry for all the questions
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Posted 4/6/2016 19:32 (#5226155 - in reply to #5226108)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

The height adds little to the cost and contributes greatly to air quality, the sun reaches pretty far up the back wall in the dead of winter. At my age makes the building more versatile if cattle feeding becomes less of an option. See a lot of the old 12 foot high narrow opening sheds around that the now "retired" cattle man can't even put a wagon in for example.

Good call on the concrete pillars. I had them in the original design and wish I had gone that way considering potential for decay, but had intended to hang gates "everywhere" for handling. Now the plan is to devise a Bud box on an existing floor to the South of this set-up keeping clutter out of the shed where manure depth etc. would have made the original idea a nightmare.

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Posted 4/6/2016 19:45 (#5226191 - in reply to #5226155)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

Fayette Co, Iowa
The height is a good thing, like you said, machinery storage, hay and corn stalk storage, and let's fresh air move through out.
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Posted 4/6/2016 22:54 (#5226724 - in reply to #5225829)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

western iowa,by Denison
looks great!
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Posted 4/6/2016 23:43 (#5226773 - in reply to #5225829)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

east central nebraska
Looks great, how many square feet per head ? Thanks.
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Posted 4/6/2016 23:56 (#5226781 - in reply to #5226773)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

I suppose at 40 square feet per head it would be rated at 80 head, higher with the outside area allowing for higher stocking rates, but there are less than 40 total in there today.

I buy baby bulls from two dairies so it is difficult to put together a group of 40 head of uniform size. I am looking at options, but for now the self feeders are somewhat more flexible when it comes to mixing. I like being able to keep it to local limited sources but want to fill the building, need to figure that out.
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Posted 4/7/2016 05:44 (#5226889 - in reply to #5226781)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

looks good
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Posted 4/7/2016 07:03 (#5227018 - in reply to #5225829)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

West Manchester Ohio
Well done sir I am jealous.
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Posted 4/7/2016 08:53 (#5227333 - in reply to #5227018)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

Columbia City, Indiana
Looks awesome, my dream cattle barn. How about some more pics?
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Posted 4/7/2016 09:12 (#5227380 - in reply to #5225829)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

Central Illinois
I would give anything just to have your old barn on our place. Dad regrets tearing it down and I regret it more since I had no choice in the matter. They would make a great wood working shop or man cave if fixed up.
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Posted 4/7/2016 09:30 (#5227432 - in reply to #5227380)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

I know how you feel, but this old barn was ROTTEN!!! I intended to keep the rafters and upright posts and studs between the lean and main hayloft but they would not come apart whole. Could not believe how bad it was inside; lots of steam from cows over the years.
Over ten years ago my nephew was working for me and we started re-nailing the siding to prep for painting. When we found out that you could press a 16 penny nail in by pushing it with the hammer I abandoned the project.
When I told my 93 year old Mom the barn was going to come down she said, "Should have done that in '52", the year they bought the farm!
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Posted 4/7/2016 09:38 (#5227453 - in reply to #5225829)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

Central MN
Do you think the building could be narrower with a feeding floor out front?
With less capacity of course.
Just looking to save $.
As others have said. Looks good.
On the wish list
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Posted 4/7/2016 09:41 (#5227459 - in reply to #5225829)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

Southern MN
Nice barn! How did you do the concrete wall that the building sits on? did you pour a footing? How deep in the ground is the wall? I need a wall to set a hoop building on and trying to figure out my options.
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Posted 4/7/2016 10:02 (#5227513 - in reply to #5227453)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

The 40 foot depth relates back to the idea of future conversion to another use. Had started by looking at 30 foot with the idea of longer and narrower= less travel over bedding to get out to eat. Another factor, especially related to length, once you are building the cost to go bigger is a small part of the project. The 16 foot walls get the sun to the back.
Pretty small barn by todays standards but fit my circumstances and made life better for man and beast.
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Posted 4/7/2016 10:16 (#5227544 - in reply to #5227459)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

The wall may be a bit of over-kill. There is a 4 foot deep footing with rebar up into 4 foot stem walls. The carpenter borrowed plywood forms from a contractor, they had plastic holds and clips for the top. Worked well but needed to put in more support than the contractor's instructions called for. The first load "blew" out at the bottom so we screwed 2x4s to the top of the footing which was wider than the wall.

The carpenter asked for outside advice, this was the first project like this he had done, and was told the deep footings were not necessary but we both wanted to do it this way.
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Posted 4/7/2016 10:30 (#5227573 - in reply to #5227333)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

Good morning. This is Mrs. Curious. I'll put some pictures of the shed during the building process. Might find that interesting. (After putting up with the old barn for all of those years, it's so nice to have one that serves our needs)




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Posted 4/7/2016 12:58 (#5227855 - in reply to #5225999)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

Warren County, Mo
South of Worthington, guess your near Sheldon then.
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Posted 4/7/2016 20:30 (#5228728 - in reply to #5227380)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

Leesburg, Ohio
I hate to see all the old ones go, too. But the "fixing up" part almost always gets way more expensive than the "tearing down and building new" option. Have done it more than once. Every time, would have been way cheaper to tear down and build new. Houses or barns, doesn't matter, have done both. Spend more than new, still have old....
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Posted 4/7/2016 23:31 (#5229220 - in reply to #5227573)
Subject: RE: New cattle shed/Old barn

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