South cental Ohio | Sorry to keep asking for help but I'd like to know just how to adjust the injectors in a STC mechanical L10 Cummins. I thought I had them but now I'm not sure. When I'm setting one (which I know timing wise which one to do in the proper sequence), I can get to about 3inch pounds and then I have to turn quite a bit to get to the 5 inch pound - where they are suppose to be. Should the top of the injector actually go down a bit to get the 5 inch pounds OR should I quit tightening when I see and feel all the clearance go away (which is about my 3 inch pound mark) ??? I'm wondering if they could be worn or weak to where I have been adjusting them too far down to get the recommended 5 inch pounds causing the engine to miss. Could my miss possibly be from over tightening the injector during adjusting??? Sorry for the long post, just hard to explain.... unless you have been where I am at LOL. Thanks!!!
Edited by thefoolishfarmer 3/24/2016 17:25
Dearfield Co. | OK----------------Its been a day or two so bear with me as well. Technically all the 5 inch lbs is doing is taking all the lash out and squeezing the oil out of the cup. This is on PRE STC engines
But you mention STC-------that is different and that requires the tool with the roll pin that holds the link up and you just set the top link on the injector which is a hydraulic lifter so to speak. BERN of this forum gave a excellent description of the STC setup on another thread. So first we must verify it is STC----------it will have oil lines from a control box running into the head and the injectors will sit on a plastic manifold for the oil it is STC. Then adjustment prochedures change. there are also other things involved with these engines including oiul flow to the step time control box and injectors
I also can't stress the importance of using the tappet lifting tool to hold the tappet up when setting these.
Edited by a4t-1600 3/24/2016 19:46
South cental Ohio | Thank you very much. So.... if I do have the type that is similar to a hydraulic lifter, would I want the short "push rod deal" on top of the injector to be squished half way-- like a hydraulic lifter in a regular car engine? Or are you saying that I just want all of the clearance out of the rocker arm? My injectors don't sit on a plastic deal. They do have oil plumbed to them though. Sorry I am so dumb about this but I never said that I am a Cummins mechanic LOL. I'm trying to find someone close to me that has actually adjusted lifters in a motor like mine and I would hire them or pay them to school me on how to do it------- nearly impossible to find any "real" mechanics anymore that know about older stuff. Thank you again. |
Dearfield Co. | You have to hold the lifter link up and then set the upper link where the rocker arm hits to 5 inch lbs. there is a cheat method to do it without the tool but it can get things to tight and eat the cam if you aren't careful so we wont address it on a sick runner |
South cental Ohio | I went out this morning and READ the damn book word for word and looked at the pictures. I finally understood what it was saying and with the information that you told me and with what I learned in the book..... I think I got it !!! I made a tool to hold the injector tops up and I adjusted the injectors accordingly and I did find that I had a few too tight. The truck sounds better now and I'll take it out for a spin after lunch. Thank you again for helping me and having patience with me. Sometimes I look so hard for a solution that I don't see what's right in front of me :-) |