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Hard Starting 4640
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Posted 3/8/2016 11:03 (#5163242)
Subject: Hard Starting 4640

Got a new to us 4640 that is hard starting. Batteries checked out good and even swapped batteries out of our 4240 that we knew were good. Just doesn't crank over fast and if it don't start on those first few cranks it looses its juice and acts like batteries are weak. It helps when I prime the injector pump before starting to help get fuel going but if its under 40 degrees it just wont go without the assistance of a charger. Starter? Bad Cables? Just thought I would ask for opinions before I went and started throwing new parts on it.
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Jay NE Ohio
Posted 3/8/2016 11:19 (#5163273 - in reply to #5163242)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

northeastern Ohio
Do you have a good electric motor shop nearby? Take the starter to them and have them rebuild it. I have a JD 6300 that had the same symptoms last year. Only had about 4000 hours on it, but a lot of starts. Rebuilt the starter and it is like new again.
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Rock Road
Posted 3/8/2016 11:41 (#5163317 - in reply to #5163242)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

w/c Illinois

Try cleaning the ground cable connection by the oil filter housing.

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Posted 3/8/2016 11:46 (#5163328 - in reply to #5163317)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

Forgot to mention that I did do that. Is there any history with the ground cable going under the cab being bad...worn spot?
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Posted 3/8/2016 11:51 (#5163339 - in reply to #5163328)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

I would try this. It is a John deere after all. They get cranky when its below 50 degrees.

Edited by cole697 3/8/2016 11:52


Attachments re556468.jpg (41KB - 83 downloads)
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Posted 3/8/2016 12:00 (#5163351 - in reply to #5163242)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

northwest IL Lee Co
Are you using 2 6v batteries? Our 4840 was a terrible starter below 50 degrees until we put in 2 12 v batteries. Made a big difference. You will need to change the wiring of the batteries because the 12v batteries are in parallel and the 6v batteries are in series.
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Posted 3/8/2016 12:36 (#5163391 - in reply to #5163351)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

+1. I changed mine to a single 12v battery as it normally doesn't get started in winter. Used left side battery box and short battery cables. Big difference.
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Posted 3/8/2016 12:37 (#5163393 - in reply to #5163351)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

yes....2 6v batteries. May try the 12 volt batteries and wire accordingly.
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Super 65
Posted 3/8/2016 13:03 (#5163444 - in reply to #5163242)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

South Central Kansas
First crank the engine for 10 -15 seconds with the kill switch pulled and then put your hand on all battery cable connections and check for heat. If connection is bad it will get hot. Then while you are cranking check the voltage of both batteries they should not drop below 4.5 volts while cranking or 9.5 volts for both batteries. Next you can do a starter amperage draw test to see how many amps the starter is pulling but that takes special equipment that not many people have. So if your connections are good and you know the batteries are good then take the starter off and have it rebuilt or replace it with a new one.
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Posted 3/8/2016 13:19 (#5163474 - in reply to #5163444)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

SE MN Still in Pothole Country
What Super 65 said. Cannot always tell a cable is bad by looking. Corrosion can start where insulation ends and work its way under. Two twelves better but I feel some of the gain people see is replacing old batteries and cables with new. Have a 7140 Magnum with two twelves. Learned that where both cables bolt to solenoid stud needs to be checked for tightness. In our situation it started OK but did not seem to charge right. Rebuilt alternator was not much help. Tightened everything and cleaned connections one at a time Right at the starter was just a LITTLE loose but that was causing the problem.
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Posted 3/8/2016 14:59 (#5163573 - in reply to #5163391)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

live in Spfd, farm located NW Macoupin county
+1 on 4 tractors. Went to single 12 on the left side and have much better cold start results.
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Posted 3/8/2016 16:12 (#5163638 - in reply to #5163242)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

east central ND
A lot of times the cross over cable under the cab goes bad. Another possible is a brush in the starter is hanging up and not making good contact. Had that on the 4430 last summer. One of the four was gummed up in the holder, 2 good 12 volts and good cables would hardly turn the engine over, freed up the brush, and back to normal.

Edited by D6Joe 3/8/2016 16:21
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Posted 3/8/2016 18:32 (#5163835 - in reply to #5163242)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

Wallis, TX

Does the steering wheel trick work?  I'm thinking you may have a leak somewhere in your hydraulic system and its dragging the starter down trying to pump the oil.

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Posted 3/8/2016 19:23 (#5163998 - in reply to #5163835)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

Does it have John Deere battery cables on it or the cheap aftermarket light duty ones that don't let enough juice too get from the batteries. Years ago I had a slow starting tractor & found out the cables were too light for the tractor. Replaced them too what is supposed too be on their with Oem cables & starts better than ever.
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Posted 3/8/2016 20:18 (#5164198 - in reply to #5163835)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

I guess I don't understand the steering wheel trick....please elaborate.
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Posted 3/8/2016 20:29 (#5164256 - in reply to #5164198)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

While your rolling it over turn the steering wheel back and fourth and if it is building pressure in hyd system it will relieve it and let it roll over easier. It does make a big difference we have a 46 and 42 that it works on believe it or not try it sometime it helps
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Posted 3/8/2016 21:18 (#5164466 - in reply to #5163328)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

NW Central Ohio
...a ground cable getting wore is just going to add more grounding to it...unless it fills with corrosion through the worn insulation.
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Posted 3/8/2016 21:57 (#5164574 - in reply to #5163339)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

west central wisconsin

Our 4650 is the best starting tractor on the farm.  Without ether ever....... just sayin'

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Posted 3/8/2016 22:03 (#5164584 - in reply to #5164256)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

if you have them clamp on type battery cable clamps on ..throw them away and use the solder ones.they help a lot.but that's why we don't have many deeres left they have a reputation of ether and extension cords.
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Posted 3/8/2016 22:11 (#5164593 - in reply to #5164584)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

I wonder also if your check valve by the fuel filter housing is bad & not holding fuel like it should
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Posted 3/9/2016 06:50 (#5164860 - in reply to #5163242)
Subject: RE: Hard Starting 4640

I have had my 4640 since new and it starts good. You have something wrong either with your wiring or starter. The cable under the cab is not a ground cable.

Edited by thinkertinker 3/9/2016 06:52
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