NW Ohio | If the memory on the screen is getting full, it will slow down considerably.
Backup your data and delete it on the FMX as stated in the others posted comment.
You can also delete some other items on the FMX to free up memory. Two in particular that I tell customers are Summary files and screenshots. Most people have never used the summary files or know about them and many FMX/1000's have screenshots that the user never intended to take. If you want to see what one is, do a backup of your FMX and open one. Pretty much a bunch of useless information in a PDF document.
If you go into data management, delete data you highlight the Summary Files folder and delete it. Then touch the + sign next to Diagnostics, highlight screenshots and delete it as well.
If you have never used or plan to use the summary files, you can turn them off in the settings. Go to tools/config, highlight System and touch setup. Highlight Map Setting and touch setup, tap on the advanced tab and change Save Summaries from on to off. Won't have to worry about those pesky buggars again. |