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Hydraulic hoses keep coming unplugged
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Posted 11/9/2015 12:57 (#4886375)
Subject: Hydraulic hoses keep coming unplugged

I have a 500 quad and I keep having issues with my hydraulic hoses coming unplugged in the back of my tractor. I have it in a striptill machine with an air cart hooked to it. I will get the fan going but as soon as I try to lift or do anything all my hoses come unplugged, even the ones that I am not using, such as the wings. I am going to try replacing all the hyd filters. Dealer said they never heard of that problem. Anything else I can try?
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Posted 11/9/2015 13:19 (#4886413 - in reply to #4886375)
Subject: RE: Hydraulic hoses keep coming unplugged

Ran a 435 and it did the same thing. Didn't matter how clean everthing was, hytran and filters were changed newer soil finisher, so it shouldn't have been the tips either, worse when cold.
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Posted 11/9/2015 13:22 (#4886418 - in reply to #4886413)
Subject: RE: Hydraulic hoses keep coming unplugged

Do you have a return line hooked up? If so try switching sides on the return.
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Posted 11/9/2015 13:38 (#4886438 - in reply to #4886375)
Subject: RE: Hydraulic hoses keep coming unplugged

Boone, Iowa
My 375 Quad did same thing on #1 outlet. Replaced the Female hydraulic couplers on the tractor and fixed the problem.
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Posted 11/9/2015 15:14 (#4886516 - in reply to #4886375)
Subject: RE: Hydraulic hoses keep coming unplugged

Having the hoses tie strapped together can cause them to walk out due to pressure being applied to one hose.
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Posted 11/9/2015 16:42 (#4886600 - in reply to #4886375)
Subject: RE: Hydraulic hoses keep coming unplugged

We had that problem this year while drilling wheat. 2011 Steiger 400 pulling a 50' JD 1890 drill with a 1910 TBH cart.

Our dealer seemed very familiar with the problem, as did the JD dealer (we called JD dealer to see if it could be a drill problem).

Both the Deere dealer and the Case dealer immediately suspected the female coupler in the hydraulic remote. Apparently this is a problem with the way remotes are designed, not a Case vs JD problem because the JD mechanic said it happens on the JD tractors as well.

The way I understand it is when the coupler starts leaking the oil leaks internally on the valve block. The oil leaks from the front side of the coupler to the back side of the coupler. It will pressurize the back side of all the couplers on that bank of valves. So when one coupler goes bad, all the hoses on that bank will pop out.

The Case dealer told us that it is difficult or impossible to diagnose which coupler is causing the problem so it's best to just replace all of them on the offending bank.

We actually had them replace all of them on both banks while they were working on it. Has worked fine since then.
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Posted 11/9/2015 18:58 (#4886885 - in reply to #4886375)
Subject: RE: Hydraulic hoses keep coming unplugged

Wallis, TX

I've had them 'whip' and pop out.  I shortened them up, tied them together with equal loop at the coupler and it fixed the problem.

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Posted 11/9/2015 20:08 (#4887065 - in reply to #4886375)
Subject: RE: Hydraulic hoses keep coming unplugged

Put a 90 degree ell on at the male end and it will stop.
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Posted 11/9/2015 23:14 (#4887458 - in reply to #4886375)
Subject: RE: Hydraulic hoses keep coming unplugged

Central South Dakota
We changed the outlets on the tractor to 3/4". They are not quick connect but it fixed the problem
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