| Got a Cat D4C with a 3046 engine ,Is there any other engine I can use ? I hope this isn't the wrong place to post this thanks |
Faunsdale, AL | A D4c should have a 75-80 Hp 4 cylinder engine produced in the 1960's or 1970's possibly.
I think the serial number off the engine would tell the tale on what engine it actually has, but if I am thinking of the right age tractor, CAT used the D330 through most of the 1960's, then the D330c around 69 through 70-71and then the 3304 in the 70's. All different designs, but the C was only produced for a few years as a forerunner of the 3304 with the same bore and stroke, possibly using the same block and crankshaft etc, but different waterpump, oil cooler arrangements etc.
If it were possible to swap engines, the 330c and the 3304 might be the best choice, but I would only attempt it if I had a parts machine with all the peripheral equipment that would probably be required to complete the swap. CAT made running changes throughout all series of tractors, so even in the same series, getting on the wrong side of a serial number break can make swaps difficult.
Post tractor and engine serial numbers, arrangement numbers etc and probably someone can help. |
Idaho | We had a D4C in the 60's. Bought new. Very poor engine. Traded for D4D. Good tractor. Think hard about putting $ into it. JMHO Even an older 9UD6 is better. Some serious iron there. 9U and Versatile 850 were, in the day, investments that worked and worked and held their value. |
The rapidly vanishing farmland of Boone Co. Ind. | Go to ACMOC.com. Those boys will fix you up. |
SE IL | I assume you have a mid 90s d4c series III. That motor was made in japan IIRC. I have not did any work to these nor have i had one out. But the series ll and older had a 3204 motor in them. Maybe they bolt up the same?? Hope this helps. I always liked the 3046 if it was turbocharged like a d5c series lll |
| What is wrong with yours? Have a couple of those engines for parts. |
| The crankshaft is too bad to turn |
| Thats whats wrong with ours. We had to buy a parts machine to get a new engine for ours. They are almost impossible to find a crank for. |