NC Indiana | Buddy is trading in the 52nd Case 2594 made with 7300+ hrs on the tach, 2500 hrs on major, 1 yr on the radiator and hyd pump, 20.8 42's radials with hub duals (50%), 4 remotes, needs a cab kit, has been running a Penta twin screw tmr mix on a 2000 heifer developer farm. Says he's going to be south of $10k on it.
Or, he's working on a JD 4640 quad, radials, hub duals, wts, resent cab kit, 6k+ hrs with a major about 1k hrs ago, paints faded. Hardest its worked is pulling a 7 shank JD disk chisel the last 13 yrs. Says he'll be in the $23,500-25k range.
Looking for something to pull the chopper, run the smart-till when we need to, run the 600 bu grain cart, pull something out when we get stuck, and what ever else we find to do with it. I'm thinking the Case will do the job, but I've never been in one. I've not run a quad JD much either, other than mow stalks. What do you all think? |
central Indiana | would buy the 4640 for sure but not at that price with that description...offer a lower number |
| I can't offer much info on the case but the 4640 is one of my ALLtime favorites...... |
Stoddard Co. SEMO | Good 4640's can be bought around here for 12-15k. If the 2594 is sound mechanically then I'd jump on it if I were you. If you plan on using the tractor for some heavy tillage, then the 2594 is a better choice. I have a 2590 and a 2594 and these tractors have gotten an unfair reputation over the years. I've never had any major issues with either of mine. I also own two jd 4840's and they are fabulous tractors, but won't out pull the 25's.
Does the 2594 your looking at have 12 speed or 24 speed? |
NC Indiana | 24 spd. Not much tillage here anymore. |
 Eastern VA. No such thing as too many Magnums. | for $23-25K, you can find a 7140 or 7240 Magnum |
 Texas/New Mexico Stateline | One caveat, I am a Case IH fan. I would take the Case for under $10k. The advantages it has is better fuel economy, easier starting in cold, transmission is really nice shifting with 24 speeds, lots of speed selection, and a much roomier cab. Disadvantage is a little less refined and parts availability may not be as good on some of the electronic stuff compared to the JD. Seems good mechanics that know those old Case tractors are getting thinner all the time.
JD seems pretty high for a tractor that old. But would probably be good too.
Wallis, TX | Virginia Veg. - 1/1/2015 11:19 for $23-25K, you can find a 7140 or 7240 Magnum Rafe, If you have any info on a decent 72 series in my part of the world for $25K and you don't want it, let me know. All the ones I've run into for that price were trashed out junk. |

| twraska - 1/1/2015 11:31
Virginia Veg. - 1/1/2015 11:19 for $23-25K, you can find a 7140 or 7240 Magnum Rafe, If you have any info on a decent 72 series in my part of the world for $25K and you don't want it, let me know. All the ones I've run into for that price were trashed out junk.
 North Liberty and South Bend, Indiana | I'd take the 2594 any day... but I can fix em if need be. |
On the Delmarva | I guessing since the OP was talking about 2wd tractors those Magnums in that price range are 2wd. |
ND | You all have cheaper prices on all the tractors mentioned which is good but not good if you own them with lessor hours & newer ones are too high.. The Case 2594 has too small a PTO shaft at 1 3/8" diameter vs 4640 at 1 3/4 diameter, basically tractor is lighter in heft. Have seen a 2594 starting a Loftness 12r30" stalk chopper & break the 1 3/8" pto twice in the same month, farmer replaced first one & the second shaft broke a week later, his JD 4650 ran it next for years no trouble which is one of the reasons JD is higher priced. |
NCent. IN | IMHO the 2594 is a deal. The 4640 not so much. Nice 94 series are between 15-20k here, 4640s are in the low 20s. |
| From memory, the 94 had 180 hp stock while the 4640 had 155. The 94 will be a few years newer (the 46 was built from 78'to 82' while the 94 was built after 82' until 84' or so). Do you mind looking at an exhaust all day (its right in from on the 46 but off on the side a little on the 94)? You don't mention the condition of the rubber on the 46. As noted the 46 will have the big shaft 1000. It is plenty pricey especially if the rubber is not new. I'd go with the 2594 based upon your description. |
 SW Ontario | We've had all MF's for over 50 years. In the last few years I have bought a 2870 and a 2590, both high hours, beat up cosmetically and cheap. We've been lucky because they work well. I love those tractors, they know how to pull. For under $10k, with the 6 speed power shift, I'd be checking out that 2594 quick. But, we are an STO, and, old affordable horses (that generally get less than 100hrs a year) work for us.
P.S.: We don't do much pto work, all pulling for the larger tractors.
Edited by jogl 1/1/2015 13:58
NC Indiana | Not many reliable MF's in that hp range for that price/age, or that would be choice #1 for me. I'd love to have an 8160, but not in my budget. Brother likes JD's, but seems to favor buying Cases. |
NC Indiana | $22k get me a 7130 with 8k hrs, no paint, bald tires, no interior, and the MFD doesn't stay in gear here. Might be a deal, but not to me. The other buddy whose house we were at said his FIL was looking to trade his 7130/40 (didn't remember which) for a 200 series. Tractors are insanely spotless. |
NC Indiana | Rubber wasn't new. Everything we have now is 1970's vintage, so nothing new. I know he's well north of the above mentioned prices for trade value, not a huge mark up over what he's asking. Traded for a CIH 9200 series. Case was traded for an 86 series for dual pto. |
 Eastern VA. No such thing as too many Magnums. | 22k will get you a decent 7140. I can't say for sure on the paint, but lipstick on a whore doesn't make it beautiful inside. I would take a 10,000 hr Magnum over the choices you mentioned even if it was 30k. I passed on a very nice 6000 hour 8940 MFD for $38k on Tuesday morning. |
 southern Illinois | I know where there is a real nice 4850 with around 5500 hours for under 30k.
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