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Power quad vs auto quad?
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Posted 9/11/2014 22:23 (#4069950)
Subject: Power quad vs auto quad?

NC Nebraska
What's the difference and which do you prefer? Thanks
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Posted 9/11/2014 23:26 (#4070061 - in reply to #4069950)
Subject: RE: Power quad vs auto quad?

Fairbury, NE (Southeast)
IVT. Its worth it. Drive one before you buy.
Have a 10 year old IVT and a 2 year old Powerquad. The IVT is much nicer in every way except hooking up an implement...that takes a little practice.
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Posted 9/12/2014 03:23 (#4070139 - in reply to #4069950)
Subject: RE: Power quad vs auto quad?

New Zealand
Auto quad is a power quad plus gear box that has an extra button that enables automatic shifting within a range. The shift points can be altered to match the drivers preference. Here most auto quads have the eco feature that allows full speed at reduced engine revs in top gear.

I find I never use the auto feature. However I really like the eco feature. I don't know if you need an auto quad to get the eco feature, but I would pay the premium if I had to to get it.
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Posted 9/12/2014 08:28 (#4070417 - in reply to #4070061)
Subject: RE: Power quad vs auto quad?

South-central Nebraska
dt4020 - 9/11/2014 23:26

IVT. Its worth it. Drive one before you buy.
Have a 10 year old IVT and a 2 year old Powerquad. The IVT is much nicer in every way except hooking up an implement...that takes a little practice.

I thought the IVT was the easiest I've ever used. Idle down and barely put lever into reverse and ride the brake just like an auto transmission in a pickup. Maybe yours is different? No jumpy clutch to deal with. Anything is easier to hook up than the Challenger MT I had. It has the worst clutch and brakes I've ever dealt with. Stand back and keep you fingers out of the way with it!
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