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Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)
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Posted 4/13/2014 12:24 (#3812949)
Subject: Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)

Sandy Hook, MB

Hello All

Just looking at some old film pics of some of my projects over the years & came across these of a tractor that I had repainted years ago.

This is lately after some years of use, with dust, grease & oil leaks & all.

This was with the new paint.

I hired a young fellow that was advertising in the local paper for painting farm equipment. He & his wife sanded it down by hand before shooting it with primer & paint. He applied the new decals too. I took off & reinstalled the wheels & tin work & stuff.

All loaded up & chained down on the ol' Dodge. Heading to Austin, MB to the Threshermen's Reunion to drive it in the parade for 4 days. They were featuring Massey Harris/Ferguson that year.                 

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Posted 4/13/2014 12:32 (#3812964 - in reply to #3812949)
Subject: RE: Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)

S.E. Iowa
We used to have a 165, 150, and several 50's. Tough old tractors! The lineups Massey have in that size now that we have had (2660 and 2625) shouldn't be allowed to be called Massey.
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Posted 4/13/2014 12:52 (#3812997 - in reply to #3812949)
Subject: Me too!

Central Iowa
I know it is not NAT approved, but I have three Massey 180's. Obviously I think they are great tractors. The 62 hp 236 Perkins is easy on fuel and will start when its pretty cold without being plugged in. One is my hay raking tractor, another has a Woods mower on it all summer and the third is on call for any job it is up to. In the fall they all see serious auger duty. The picture is about 10 years old, tractor looks the same but has new back tires. Second picture is of the one that has been repainted. I got smarter and figured out the oval muffler from a 275 will fit and be much easier on my ears, so disregard the mufflers in the pictures.

Edited by Kornkurt 4/13/2014 14:15

(kelsey tractor0039.jpg)


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Posted 4/13/2014 12:55 (#3813001 - in reply to #3812997)
Subject: RE: Me too!

Sandy Hook, MB

Kornkurt - 4/13/2014 12:52 I know it is not NAT approved, but I have three Massey 180's.

Hello Kornkurt

Says who???!!!   

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Posted 4/13/2014 13:37 (#3813064 - in reply to #3812949)
Subject: RE: Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)

West Texas
I enjoyed driving our 180 for the most part, but the exhaust always seemed to be in my face. I ended up putting an extension on the exhaust pipe, making it a couple feet taller. Much better!
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Posted 4/13/2014 13:44 (#3813078 - in reply to #3812949)
Subject: RE: Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)

My brother has a 180 diesel. I really like the thing. Starts great, has decent power, scoots right down the road if you need to. He brings it down and plants all our conventional till beans with it and a 5300 soybean special drill. Haven't found anything that will pull the drill any cheaper that's for sure. Planted 80 acres on less than a tank of fuel last year. We did have to reseal the injection pump in 2012, which we did ourselves in about 4 hours, but other than that have not touched anything on it. Only picture I can find of it right now, I know there are more on here somewhere.

Even with the dust and leaks and everything else that is still a good looking tractor you have there.

Edited by J,ReinkeFarms 4/13/2014 13:47


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Posted 4/13/2014 14:41 (#3813178 - in reply to #3812949)
Subject: RE: Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)

SW Ontario
We have 175's, same tractor but low profile. They work great in our ST vegetable operation. My all time favorite tractor. One of them I grew up on, Dad bought brand new in 1967. Only new tractor ever on our farm. OK, I spent some time growing up in the tobacco field and the bean field, and on the golf course too.
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Posted 4/13/2014 15:19 (#3813232 - in reply to #3812949)
Subject: RE: Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)

Ontario Canada
Thanks for sharing. I love seeing resto posts like this.

Labour intensive, but well worth it.
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Posted 4/13/2014 15:59 (#3813304 - in reply to #3813178)
Subject: RE: Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)

Sandy Hook, MB

jogl - 4/13/2014 14:41   One of them I grew up on, Dad bought brand new in 1967. Only new tractor ever on our farm.

Hello Jogl

Same here. Well there was new ones before, but this was the last brand new 1 bought on the farm by my Dad or me. Actually I had fixed it up for my Dad to drive in the parade, but Mom & Dad had their names on a waiting list to go on a tour to Churchill, MB & got called up to go because another couple canceled. So I got to drive it.   

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Posted 4/13/2014 16:05 (#3813315 - in reply to #3813232)
Subject: RE: Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)

Eastern North Carolina
Farm next to us had a couple of Massey 178's... What was this other than something between a 175 and a 180..?

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Posted 4/13/2014 16:50 (#3813391 - in reply to #3813315)
Subject: RE: Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)

S.E. Sask.

That is a nice looking 180 you have there. I wish my Super 90 looked as good but I will be satisfied if I can just get it working good mechanically and not worry about the paint. I found out that it is true the 300 Perkins has a weakness for blowing head gaskets. Mine gave out last fall and I have had it in the shop all winter working intermittently (when it was not too cold) . I find them a hard tractor to work on compared to some. I damaged the threads on the fuel outlet of the tank during the job (you can't even get the valve cover off without removing the fuel tank and steering shaft. ) and am just working on improvising something that might work as a replacement. No surprise that a new one is not available from Agco for a 50 year old tractor. At least they had the engine gaskets.


(RG and the Super 90.jpg)

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Posted 4/13/2014 17:09 (#3813435 - in reply to #3812949)
Subject: RE: Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)

Sandy Hook, MB

Hello All

A couple more of me & the tractor after the parade.


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Posted 4/13/2014 17:16 (#3813446 - in reply to #3812964)
Subject: RE: Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)

Northwestern Minnesota
I had a 180 Massey I loved it it.. pulled forage wagons #12 Massey baler and NH stack liner very cheap on fuel but we had some issues with multi powder a worn part internally where a new part was installed and it was ok....wish I had one again no use for one other than a Tedder now
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Posted 4/13/2014 17:34 (#3813502 - in reply to #3812949)
Subject: OK, I'll be the one to say it

Central Iowa
I have had experience with two 3020's, one a gas and one a diesel, both power shifts and my feeling is that if everyone that ever bought a 3020 had a chance to try out a 180 before their purchase and did not already have green underwear, they would have bought the 180. I am not a John Deere hater, I have a John Deere combine and one John Deere tractor.
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Buster 50
Posted 4/13/2014 19:04 (#3813750 - in reply to #3813502)
Subject: RE: OK, I'll be the one to say it

North West IA/western AZ
The 180 my dad had must have been a lemon then. He had no end of hydraulic problems and ended up trading for a 3020D.
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Posted 4/13/2014 19:10 (#3813772 - in reply to #3812949)
Subject: RE: Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)

North East Arkansas
My father & grandfather bought a new 180 Diesel in 1968. 1972 they bought their first 1100 and the 180 was delegated to planting and other chore duties. My grandfather done all the planting with it using 4 row Burch planter. (Him and another man in the community we're known for their ability to plant a straight row.) Like several have already stated the Perkins was easy on the fuel and started good in cold weather. I enjoyed the ease of getting on and off tractor and the large platform space. Complaints we experienced multi-power was great when it worked and hydraulics preformed slow and weak.
Then we made a terrible mistake in 1983 traded the 180 in on a new MF 2745, 24 speed.
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Posted 4/13/2014 19:23 (#3813827 - in reply to #3813772)
Subject: RE: Some Old Pics Of MF 180 With A Fresh Coat Of Paint. (4 Pics)

I'll take a thirty five year old Massey before a 2014 John Deere any day.
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John Central NY
Posted 4/13/2014 19:27 (#3813841 - in reply to #3812997)
Subject: RE: Me too!

One here too.

Edited by John Central NY 4/13/2014 19:28

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Posted 4/13/2014 20:14 (#3813992 - in reply to #3813750)
Subject: RE: OK, I'll be the one to say it

Fruita CO
I was waiting for somebody to say it! Noticed nobody bragging on the hydraulic system. As a Green guy I always kinda liked those old MF'ers...I spent time on a 135 Diesel in my younger days. Pretty good old tractors but holy crap the hydraulics were a disaster...& I've had die-hard MF guys agree with me...
Nice lookin tractor, MCAT, BTE.

Edited by ronm 4/13/2014 20:17
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Posted 4/13/2014 20:29 (#3814036 - in reply to #3813992)
Subject: RE: OK, I'll be the one to say it

S.E. Sask.

I did have to replace the main hydraulic pump on the Super 90 with a good used one from salvage. No telling how many hours or how much abuse previous owners had given the original but the replacement has worked fine. Front end loader lifts anything I need it to. The little steering/pto hydraulic pump is the weakness on this one. When it gets warmed up the steering can get a little weak with a load on the bucket. Also not enough hydraulic pressure to keep the pto engaged.

No multi power drive on this Super 90 but my brother's 1085 has it and has had no problems with it. Handy to be able to shift up and down in every gear sometimes.

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Erik KS
Posted 4/13/2014 21:04 (#3814166 - in reply to #3813841)
Subject: RE: Me too!

I've got two.


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