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1200 planter spacing off
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Posted 3/2/2014 13:16 (#3727186)
Subject: 1200 planter spacing off

Deep South
My 1200 planter won't drop corn seed evenly spaced. I'm looking to put a seed every 5 or 5.5 inches apart. It will drop 4 then 6 then 5 then 7 etc. I've looked at every thing on it but can't seem to figure it out. Am I trying to get it to do something it can't? I'm using 48 hole plates, 18-20 vacuum the dial under the hopper on 3 and planting at 4.5 mph. I planted with it last year like this and made a really good corn crop. Maybe I should leave it alone? Thanks for any ideas
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Posted 3/2/2014 13:21 (#3727198 - in reply to #3727186)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

North of Iowa
What are you using for a tractor to pull it?
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Case IH Farmer 12
Posted 3/2/2014 13:23 (#3727203 - in reply to #3727186)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

Central IL
What kind of shape are your normal wear parts in? (Openers, firming points, seed boots, seed tubes, seed discs, so on?)
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Farms With CASE
Posted 3/2/2014 13:29 (#3727215 - in reply to #3727186)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

North Liberty and South Bend, Indiana
Maybe I have lower standards but that sounds pretty decent to me. It is possible that you are getting spacing differences caused in the seed tube or dragging seed if firmers are used.
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Posted 3/2/2014 13:39 (#3727248 - in reply to #3727186)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

Southern IL.
If it is a pivot planter make sure you are keeping section drive chains tight so it doesn't try to jump sprocket. They do not have spring loaded idlers. The row units have tension idlers, but sections don't.
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Posted 3/2/2014 13:39 (#3727252 - in reply to #3727215)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

Bourbon, Indiana
I'm curious to the above question also as I struggle with the same thing. Farmswithcase you mentioned differences in the seed tube. could you elaborate as to what might cause spacing issues in the seed tube?

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Posted 3/2/2014 14:11 (#3727344 - in reply to #3727186)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

WC Indiana
I switched from 48 to 36 hole plates last year and had better spacing. I just went to a planter clinic last week and they said 36 hole works very well as long as you don't go over 6 mph..

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Posted 3/2/2014 14:13 (#3727350 - in reply to #3727186)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

west central Iowa
Take all chains off and check for bearings getting tight. If you have Hyd. Drive check and make sure shafts turn smoothly and don't chatter.
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Posted 3/2/2014 14:25 (#3727380 - in reply to #3727350)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off


Spacing ?  How is the seed depth ?  How does the row look when the corn first emerges ?  Looking at seedlings 1" - 1.5" tall, just barely out of the ground.  Are all the seedlings lined up ?  We see the same thing with earlier CIH planters.  SEED BOUNCE ! !  I don't mind the seed bouncing side to side, but when it bounces in the furrow, giving uneven seed depth, that is a concern to me.  I have talked many times to CIH people at equip shows, but they will not admit the seed is bouncing in the furrow.  We have heard all the reasons they can think of, but cannot make the planter stop it.  One idea was that the long delivery pipe must be smooth.  Then they CIH made a delivery tube that was orange-peeled/dimpled inside.  HHhhmmm       Wonder about that

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Charlie Chaz
Posted 3/2/2014 14:34 (#3727409 - in reply to #3727248)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

Jumping section chains will be visible on the monitor.
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Charlie Chaz
Posted 3/2/2014 14:39 (#3727424 - in reply to #3727186)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

To much oil flow will surge the seed drives. Once the system is warmed up while planting, decrease the oil flow until the monitor hollers max flow, then increase flow just enough to keep the monitor quiet.
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sf 1066
Posted 3/2/2014 16:01 (#3727643 - in reply to #3727186)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

thumb of mi
A couple years ago I measured a few planters for spacing. Two of them were 1200 style one new and one a couple years old. Both were 2.5" or more standard deviation. Also the case meter on the test stand seems to space like what was measured
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Posted 3/2/2014 16:21 (#3727692 - in reply to #3727186)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

I think i would take it to a precison dealer and have them run a couple seed meters and see what they think. I have never heard of this problem!
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Posted 3/2/2014 17:05 (#3727788 - in reply to #3727186)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

Could the hydraulic drives be getting worn / sticky causing jumping issues ?
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Posted 3/2/2014 18:19 (#3727974 - in reply to #3727344)
Subject: where was this clinic at?........nt...........

Bourbon, Indiana
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Posted 3/2/2014 18:40 (#3728044 - in reply to #3727186)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

Somewhere between here and there
4.5 mph is about as slow as you want to go with hyd drive 1200. Check all of your chains, sprockets and speed up to 5-6 mph or put on a 36 hole disk. Tractor hydraulics OK?
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Farms With CASE
Posted 3/2/2014 18:40 (#3728047 - in reply to #3727252)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

North Liberty and South Bend, Indiana
I only say that as I have seen an advertisement video for "PP" that showed seeds bouncing around after hitting the sensor eye or a "hump" that was manufactured into a seed tube. I was only throwing out ideas, but they do seem plausible.
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Posted 3/2/2014 20:03 (#3728393 - in reply to #3728044)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

Deep South
The idea of going with the 36 hole plate makes sense. This is a ground driven planter and every thing seems to be in very good shape. Does Case IH have a machine like Deere that they can put the units on to test? I think I'll call tomorrow. Thanks for the help.
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Case IH Farmer 12
Posted 3/2/2014 20:46 (#3728567 - in reply to #3728044)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

Central IL
Your book should have a chart that says how to figure seed disc rpm and you can plant too slow, as mentioned above.
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Posted 3/2/2014 20:58 (#3728607 - in reply to #3728567)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

Just installed Rebounders on our planter for the spring. Seems like depth is a bit inconsistent, hopefully will improve. Singulation is always good, but don't want to add any more downpressure if not needed.
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Posted 3/2/2014 20:59 (#3728611 - in reply to #3727974)
Subject: RE: where was this clinic at?........nt...........

WC Indiana
Terre haute
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Posted 3/2/2014 21:04 (#3728624 - in reply to #3728607)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

Deep South
I looked in the book and the speed with the 48 hole plates is in the good zone. Maybe It's doing all it can, I 'm just trying to fine tune it because we will start planting corn in a week or so. Thanks again
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Posted 3/3/2014 11:51 (#3729765 - in reply to #3728624)
Subject: RE: 1200 planter spacing off

Again a good precision dealer can put them on stand and figure your sweet spot. Speed, singulator, and vacuum setting! I did this and settings were different from book o
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