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What to do ?? Magnum 275
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Posted 1/6/2014 19:26 (#3580902)
Subject: What to do ?? Magnum 275

Deckerville MI
I bought a new 275 magnum in 2011. It has had multiple problems since day one. Mainly electrical. I sure would like to tell CIH to stick it, but tractor is paid for. Dealer has been excellent on trying to fix it. It's not fair to the next person if I trade it with known problems. I feel CIH is at fault. What would you do??
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mechanic bob
Posted 1/6/2014 19:27 (#3580912 - in reply to #3580902)
Subject: Re: What to do ?? Magnum 275

west tn
Dump it
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Farmer Dale
Posted 1/6/2014 19:33 (#3580938 - in reply to #3580902)
Subject: RE: What to do ?? Magnum 275

Casey Illinois
Had a MX 255 and it was a nightmare from the day I bought it, Bought it used with 300 hours and everyday something was wrong, lots of little things, one day I had enough and traded it for a 275. Told dealer about the problems, no problem trading. As far as I know the new owner has the same problems, nothing big, just something everyday. Had numerous CIH tractors and never had a problem like that. Still running red. Always a lemon somewhere
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Posted 1/6/2014 19:43 (#3580990 - in reply to #3580902)
Subject: Re: What to do ?? Magnum 275

"Famous Potatoes"
Trade it on something else. I don't like problematic equipment. Seems like something always comes up. I am in the same situation as you right now with a 485. Luckily the tractor is still under a case extended warranty. I am trading it on a 9510R. I was up front with the salesman though, and told him about the issues it has. Even sent him over to the case dealer to look it over since it has been in their shop for the last 2 months.
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Posted 1/6/2014 19:52 (#3581041 - in reply to #3580902)
Subject: Re: What to do ?? Magnum 275

West Central MN
What problems do you still have?
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Posted 1/6/2014 20:07 (#3581124 - in reply to #3581041)
Subject: Re: What to do ?? Magnum 275

Deckerville MI
Main problem is when outside temp is 30ish the grid heater won't cycle, so it turn make tractor start hard. When this happens it throws all the control ors offline. Tractor won't shift, won't rev up, no hyd, no pto, also de rated hp. Only does it when it is cold. once tractor is warm no problems. It's been a real "SOB" to deal with on a new tractor.
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Posted 1/6/2014 20:19 (#3581192 - in reply to #3581124)
Subject: Re: What to do ?? Magnum 275

West Central MN
Did they change the ecm or the intake temp sender?
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Posted 1/6/2014 20:38 (#3581293 - in reply to #3581192)
Subject: Re: What to do ?? Magnum 275

Deckerville MI
I don't no for sure. I would have to look at the last work order that is 7 pages. Tractor was at the dealer all last winter. Has been there now since late Nov. Dealer can't find the cause, so they are putting in all new wiring I'm told.
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Posted 1/6/2014 21:11 (#3581472 - in reply to #3581293)
Subject: Re: What to do ?? Magnum 275

South central Minnesota
You can look into the lemon law in your state. every state is a bit different.
Your second choice is to trade it off at your dealer and if they do not offer you a fair trade price ask to get CIH involved to give some assistance to keep you as a customer. Every company has a problem tractor here and there. If you are willing to give them another chance they will likely help you out on the trade.

It is then the dealers responsibility to honestly represent the tractor. If a potential buyer calls you about the tractor be honest about it but also tell them if the dealer helped you out. If the dealer is good to you give them a good word back.


Edited by Markmn 1/6/2014 21:16
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Posted 1/6/2014 22:55 (#3581871 - in reply to #3581124)
Subject: Re: What to do ?? Magnum 275

We had a '06 275 that was that way when we bought it new, except it happened in the spring. It was our planter tractor so was very aggravating. Dealer took it in to their shop & ran a bunch of tests & accidentlly found the grd cables up front were never tightened. Tractor worked fine for a couple days then started doing it again. Same as yours, no electrical, hyds, pto, engine would only idle, & no shift. By the time a tech would get there it would be back up & running. One day it did it & the service manager happened to be nearby. He was checking electrical in the cab & found a relay that was hot. When he went to remove it he found it wasn't plugged in all the way.Put a new one in, making sure it was plugged completely in. Tractor never gave any problems after that for the 3 yrs we had it before trading for another 275. We've had two 275s since & no problems.

Edited by boog 1/6/2014 22:57
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scott nelsen
Posted 1/7/2014 08:20 (#3582389 - in reply to #3581293)
Subject: Re: What to do ?? Magnum 275

Leeds, North Dakota
Tom, appear to me tech's need to trouble shoot your tractor, its not rock science, they have wiring schematics at there finger tips, and assist to help them trouble shoot, Scott.
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