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Arbor Day Foundation Scam?
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Posted 1/3/2014 19:49 (#3571221)
Subject: Arbor Day Foundation Scam?

Wife got a survey in mail the other day to fill out from the arbor day foundation. Letter said if she filled it out she would receive 10 blue spuce seedlings, 2 lilac shrubs, 1 year of free coffee and a book and calander. Anyone else get this? Of course they want a donation also. I told her to send 10 dollars cash and see what happens.
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Posted 1/3/2014 20:10 (#3571282 - in reply to #3571221)
Subject: RE: Arbor Day Foundation Scam?

E.Central MN
I made the mistake of signing up for some free pine trees from them one time. It took years before they stopped sending their junk mail to me. It really makes me question how much of their money is actually used for planting trees versus how much is used to pay for salaries and junk mail.
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Posted 1/3/2014 20:11 (#3571285 - in reply to #3571221)
Subject: Re: Arbor Day Foundation Scam?

Alberta Canada
my wife did it last year and got 10 free trees but missed out on the coffee deal as only the first 50 people get that.
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Posted 1/3/2014 20:12 (#3571289 - in reply to #3571221)
Subject: Re: Arbor Day Foundation Scam?

Alberta Canada
my wife did it last year and got 10 free trees but missed out on the coffee deal as only the first 50 people get that.
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German Shepherd
Posted 1/3/2014 20:45 (#3571410 - in reply to #3571221)
Subject: RE: Arbor Day Foundation Scam?

I see some of those trees come through the Post Office every year, so it's legit.   The down side is, they come in clear plastic bags and I've seen some that look pretty tough.    I have a feeling they are laying somewhere too long before they get shipped.

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Posted 1/3/2014 21:01 (#3571475 - in reply to #3571221)
Subject: Re: Arbor Day Foundation Scam?

I get 10 trees a year from the Arbor Day foundation.
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Posted 1/3/2014 21:01 (#3571476 - in reply to #3571221)
Subject: Re: Arbor Day Foundation Scam?

central Iowa
Tomorrow our church's Christmas committee will remove the 20 foot blue spruce tree from inside our church. The tree was donated by my cousin, whose
now deceased mother planted 20 some years ago. It was a free seedling from the Arbor day foundation.
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Posted 1/3/2014 23:57 (#3571929 - in reply to #3571221)
Subject: RE: Arbor Day Foundation Scam?

Mid Michigan
My mom does it every year and I usually plant the trees she gets. That little tree book they give you has been a vast amount of information for myself and my co-workers who know nothing about trees. Amazing how little you know about that stuff until you actually apply yourself. I used to work with an older guy who was my go to person on tree species and identification. He had a very good amount of knowledge and taught me a lot over the years about trees before he retired.
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Posted 1/4/2014 06:04 (#3572044 - in reply to #3571221)
Subject: Re: Arbor Day Foundation Scam?

I used to belong as I used their printed material for elementary school presentations. We always used the trees from the Conservation district because the are regionally adapted, in better shape and cheaper. Their primary reason for existence is forestry education, the free trees are a gentle "bribe" to participate.
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Posted 1/4/2014 10:06 (#3572538 - in reply to #3572044)
Subject: Re: Arbor Day Foundation Scam?

NW Central Ohio
...I'm a member, buy a 10 pack of trees every year. I have several trees around the place that have come from there. The River Birch seem to be some of the easiest to get going...I have several Redbud...and the Washington Hawthorne grow every time. I don't recommend them unless you have a severe deer problem because even though they have beautiful flowers...they flowers smell terrible, and the tree has thorns on it. I haven't bought any of the regular hardwood species packets yet....but I would imagine some of them grow very well. It isn't really a's just a way for them to advocate planting trees...and at the same time entice people to help them with their agenda.
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