Serena Il, Center of the Universe | Ok, the 9500 i have is getting tired. Im looking to upgrade to a STS machine. What are the improvements besides the bullet rotor in the 60 series. I have found a 9650 under 2000 engine hours. Am i shooting myself in the foot by looking at the 50 series? |
| The 60 series never had the bullet rotor until 06 I belive, and the 60's had an option high unload rate auger. Im in the same situation replacing an 9600 but I would really like the HUR auger option not as worryed about getting one with the bullet rotor. I would like to find a 9760 witch came standard with the HUR I understand. |
Morris, IL | Greg, what is with the corn still out in your neighbor hood. Their is field right no 52 west of town, think their was maybe another on 23 north west over more towards Baker? What gives, everything has been out in our neighbor hood since december first almost.
Edited by NEILFarmer 12/21/2013 06:06
Michigan | Never owned a 50 series,but I think they are good machines.we have a 9660 and are very happy with it. Definitely consider the HUR system it's a huge difference.we have a bullet,but many say they can't tell the difference |
 Modena, Wisconsin | 50 to 60 series had a number of changes. Single point hookup being one of the most noticable. 60 series are designed for 600 series flex head which is a big improvment in cutting if you do beans. HUR option in 60 series is nice. Touch set option for changing setting for the cab is handy. Bullet rotor is different but may or may not make a difference for you. |
 central ILL | As far as single point hydraulics you can add that to a 9650 without much trouble. 60 will not have the power the 50 does. When we bought our 9650 JD mechanic told us to buy the 50, we wouldn't be happy with the power on the 9660. I talked to a couple guys that had 9660 and said not near the power their 9650 they traded in had. 9650 will not have the touchset for adjusting the sieves but you can add it if you want. Otherwise not much difference between them. |
So. IL | Went from a 98 9510, to a 07 9660, 900 sep hrs, all options. All I can say is what an improvement, another hopper bottom on the way to keep up now. |
Serena Il, Center of the Universe | The corn west of town was planted very late so ........ All it does is screw up deere hunting here. I live just north of there. |
Western Ohio | We have owned all of them. Any are quite a step up from oo series ,however there are some major upgrades as you come forward. High unload rate is a must. In good corn, we could barely keep bin unloaded on the go with 9750 and 8 row head, unload auger was simply too small. Went to a 9760 which was probably the worst Deere machine I ever owned. Unload rate was fine ,but had no power and ran rough. 3 injection pumps and a set of injectors later, was finally ok. Traded for 9770 and they have been fantastic, have owned 4 of them and still have 1 now along with an S670. Run 12 row corn heads and get along great. Plenty of power and smooth as silk. Imo ,a 9770 would be worth the extra $$$ if you can swing it. There are also a TON of them on dealer lots , so you may be able to make a deal on one. Maybe more than you wanted to hear, but our experiences. |
Western Ohio | realize I was talking about class 7 machine vs.class 6's ,but think you will find the same as far as series improvements. |
SW Ohio | 50 or 60 would be NIGHT AND DAY from a 9500. 9650=50-60K, 9660=70-90k .......(auction prices, 1400-2000hrs) While your at it get atleast 60 if you can. Love my 50, no problems, but single point is worth its weight in gold. 635F headers are dirt cheap, and hook right up to a 60.
don't be afraid of a 9750/9760, sometimes they are a better deal and theres no such thing as too big.
Edited by warpspeed 12/21/2013 09:11
Soutwest Ks. | If you go with a 60 series, I would try to find a later model, 06-07. They had the radiator scoop on the right side which is a major improvement.
I have a 2007 9660 with a 12 row head and seldom run into power issues even in 250 bushel corn. I think somewhere in the 60 series they changed the cubic inch of the engine. It is possible that the early 60 series had a power issue compared to the 50 series however I have never heard of that complaint before. I love my 9660 but if I had it to do over, I probably could've purchased a 9770 for not much more cash which probably would have been a better deal long term. |