| I am looking a purchasing a larger tractor and am interested in the 4650 or 4850 MFWD tractors. What are the things to look for when buying one and how much should I spend on one with between 7500 to 8900 hrs. in good condition? I have heard good and bad about the tractors so let me know what you think.
Central Arkansas | Don't buy one withe the "Z" front end MFWD. It was made in Germany and parts are not available through John Deere. |
ECIL | Didn't they have some head gasket problems with the 4650 and maybe also the 4850's |
| I bought a 4650 that was treated less than ideal a few years ago so I took oil samples and when they came back ok I went ahead and took the chance. The dealer said they had good luck with the 4650's and this one has held up. The powershift jerks a little from 6 to 7 but it has been reliable. This is a two wheel drive so I didn't have to worry about the front wheel assist. Oil sampling might not be a bad idea. |
Saronville NE | Had both, the 4850 was lemon from day one. 4650 was pretty good overall, till tranny puked with 7k hrs. Ask if tranny been done, seems 7-8k hrs PS trannys puke in em, their will go $20k at a JD dealer. All the 4850s in this area I know of had lots of promblems. But all the 4650s seemed to hold up well. I never really had any promblems with the ZF frontend except seals. With the age the 50s are getting on them, bout all you can do is ask for service history and any major work being done and hope for the best. Just like any used tractor. Personally Id go buy a high hrd 8000 before a 7-8k hr 50 series, and you wont spend much difference in money. |
 20 Miles West of Indianapolis Indiana | i've been tractor shopping too.... i'm needing 200+ HP for spring and fall tillage. i have been looking at 4WD tractors. you can get a lot more tractor with less hours for the same or less$. 50 series deere MFWD's are selling at a premium still. but there is likely a reason for that though |
Near the 4 corners | a few years back i bought a used 4650 mfwd shows 5600 hrs but it still does , gave 23500.00 delivered. know on wood i have not had any trouble except the ac compressor . put a jd 840sl loader on it and it pulls a big square baler and thats its life . baler works it pretty hard though, dyno 174 hp |
Zabcikville, TX | A 71 or 7240 will do everything and more than a 4850 will. Much more reliable. Probably more $, but worth it, IMO. |
| Had a 1983 4650 with the zf front end. No problems just kept it greased. Good tractor, sometimes wish we still had it. Like anything get a history on it and get one that's had a good home. |
At the entrance to Sandbanks Provincial Park | We have a 4650 that we bought new in 1984. Lost the engine at about 6000 hr due to waterpump dumping coolant in to base. weep hole plugged and we did not catch it in time. Did a core swap with TTP in warsaw Indiana. The tractor now has 20000 hrs, a lot of hours on irrigation pump. The pto clutch was replaced for the first time last year, Also replaced the powershift clutch pack at 15000 hours. It is still a nice tractor to drive. Needs a new cab interior but other than that it is a very functional tractor. |
Dennison, IL | Had a 4650 and 4850. Five thousand hours between the two and zero problems. |
east central ND | If you need to set the MFWD to get 30" rows, the turning radius is not good. |
ND | If you could spend a bit more, get a 4755 or 4955, bigger engine valves in the tractor, better on fuel, more improvements in the overall tractor or look at the 60 series. Maybe not as many around due to the farm economy back in those years but a little better tractors. |
Wisconsin | Square magnum. Even the greenest guys will say good things about those tractors |
Southwest Iowa | I have a 4650 2wd and its been a great tractor. I've done a little bit of everything with it and it has been very trouble free. Mine is a quad range and has just a shade under 8k hrs on it and it starts and shifts like a new one did |
Soutwest Ks. | Not everybody will say good things about the magnums. I owned a 7240 mfwd for a few years, the clunkiest, clumsiest tractor I've ever owned! |
ND | Magnums are fine if you never owned or would ever own a JD. Had one from a neighbor for grain cart--awfully wide hood, not much visibility looking forward, had to lean a lot, loading trucks with that overhanging air system on the upper back outside of cab not good. Hyd system on 50-55 or 60 series Deere is even with CIH but handling is far superior with JD, turning radius with mfwd is the same -Magnum vs Deere until you get a 8000 series-then JD is far superior. |