| I am Looking at getting one of these tractors to pull a 30’ 1890 air seeder with a 340 bu tow behind cart. Are these good tractors? Will it have enough power and hydraulic capacity? Do these tractors have the same water pump issues that the larger engines do? |
 SESD | I run an 1860 w/ 195bu tow behind. I wouldn't want a smaller tractor on it. A full cart makes a lot of difference. If you are going to run on flat ground should be fine. The problem is the transmission. When you get in a hard pull, like up a hill, it's very hard to shift. I've had to stop and back down the hill and shift to a lower gear more than once. No trouble with my tractor and it's at about 3k hrs. Hydraulic capacity is sufficient, but does take power to run 2 scv's in constant all the time. In an uphill pull, I will also take the row units out of constant for a short time to make it to the top. Overall, they are nice tractors. |
Eastern North Carolina | Didn't realize they used the 8.1 engine in the 9100... 260 engine hp, 214 pto...
Dennison, IL | Not exactly the same problems as the larger engines ( won't drop bearings in engine) but will dump water and metal shavings into the oil. We've had more problems with these than the larger engines. Junk |
Crawfordsville, Arkansas | We had a 8570 then traded for a 9100. Went downhill on that trade. Just about the most gutless tractor I've been in. |