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Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose
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White Workhorse
Posted 9/14/2013 23:03 (#3328486)
Subject: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

Sourthern WI
Finally broke down and bought a Parker hose crimper. I see they make special blades for chop saws to cut hydraulic hose without sending debris all over. Is this the best way of cutting hose? Keep in mind we are just using the machine for repair work. Where is a good place to get blades?
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kevin wcmo
Posted 9/14/2013 23:13 (#3328498 - in reply to #3328486)
Subject: RE: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

i am just using a chop saw with a regular blade. did not know of a special blade for hose? just make sure you blow the hose out before you crimp the ends on. you wont regret having a hose machine around. just make sure your friends or neighbors dont know you have one :-p

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Posted 9/14/2013 23:15 (#3328501 - in reply to #3328498)
Subject: RE: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

Sandy Hook, MB

kevin wcmo - 9/14/2013 23:13 i am just using a chop saw with a regular blade. did not know of a special blade for hose? just make sure you blow the hose out before you crimp the ends on. you wont regret having a hose machine around.  kevin

Hello White Workhorse


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Posted 9/14/2013 23:15 (#3328503 - in reply to #3328486)
Subject: Re: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

Scallop blade is the best choice for the relatively low cost.

Chop saws make a mess and the fumes are not healthy either.

Compressed air only gets some of the pieces out, the only way to really clean the hose is with a foam bullet. Those kits are over 1k though.
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Posted 9/14/2013 23:32 (#3328530 - in reply to #3328486)
Subject: Re: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

West Chazy, New York
If you have a steady hand, an axe works better than anything else. Hit it hard; unless it cuts in one blow the end will be ragged.
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Posted 9/14/2013 23:56 (#3328557 - in reply to #3328530)
Subject: Re: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

West Texas
Place the axe edge on the line to be cut, then whack the blunt side of the axe hard with a heavy hammer.
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Posted 9/15/2013 00:30 (#3328574 - in reply to #3328486)
Subject: Re: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

sc ia
I know the ax method works but I wonder if one of these would Morse Starrett Impact Cable Cutter
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Posted 9/15/2013 02:17 (#3328588 - in reply to #3328574)
Subject: Re: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

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Posted 9/15/2013 05:56 (#3328613 - in reply to #3328588)
Subject: Re: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

Guy up here has a old smooth "meat saw blade"

no dust 20 to 30 years on the blade
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Posted 9/15/2013 08:52 (#3328841 - in reply to #3328486)
Subject: Re: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

frederick, MD
After you have a new hose ruin 10 grand in hydro components you will buy the foam bullet thing or do as I do and get a competent outfit to make your hoses
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Posted 9/15/2013 09:07 (#3328877 - in reply to #3328486)
Subject: RE: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

I have used a Milwaukee dry cut saw for years and it works great.
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scott nelsen
Posted 9/15/2013 09:12 (#3328890 - in reply to #3328877)
Subject: Re: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

Leeds, North Dakota
Whatever method is used, compressed air should be blowen thru to get rid of debris, Scott.
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Posted 9/15/2013 12:40 (#3329279 - in reply to #3328588)
Subject: Re: Good one! Aaron

Effingham, IL
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Posted 9/15/2013 19:56 (#3330104 - in reply to #3328574)
Subject: Re: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

sc ia
I tried my Morse Starrett impact cutter today on a hydraulic hose and it didn't work very good. Funny how it can cut a half in. steel cable right off but not a half in. hydraulic hose.
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Posted 9/15/2013 21:07 (#3330330 - in reply to #3328530)
Subject: Re: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

Brazilton KS

I like the axe.  I read that idea here.  Works great on 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2.  You better have a heck of a swing on 3/4 high pressure hose!

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Posted 9/15/2013 21:09 (#3330340 - in reply to #3328841)
Subject: Re: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

Brazilton KS

Yeah, 'cause the 'competent outfits' always use foam plugs.************************



I'll stick with my 'incompetent' axe and just never put anything in the hose, thank you.

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Posted 9/16/2013 00:32 (#3330699 - in reply to #3330340)
Subject: Re: Best Method for Cutting Hydraulic Hose

plowboy - 9/15/2013 20:09

Yeah, 'cause the 'competent outfits' always use foam plugs.************************



I'll stick with my 'incompetent' axe and just never put anything in the hose, thank you.

The competent ones do. Dedicated hydraulic shops and Cat dealers do. Most tractor dealers and auto parts stores do not.

In general farmers seem to love cobbling hydraulic hoses to save a dollar at the time. It always baffles me. I make hoses for anybody who asks if I can but its only to my specs. They always just want an end crimped on. I send them on their way. They complain that the tractor dealer will do it for them, I say thats great go there then. Ag implements also seem to be stuck on NPT leading farmers to be stuck on it as well because its cheap. I cant believe the amount of adapters people will go through to use their beloved NPT. I go the opposite way and convert it to either JIC or ORFS. ORFS is another topic, I think 90% of the farmers I talk to refer it it as the stupid flat face o ring fittings. They're superior to anything else, but for whatever reason they hate them.

As for the axe, its a decent alternative and works for enough applications. Most farm equipment only uses 2 wire hose. The 4 wire stuff I think an axe would struggle with.
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