 Macon, IL | It was by far the easiest we have ever had to deal with. Despite hoeing and selected hand spraying our sweetcorn is usually full of weeds. THis is great-just put Callisto over the top when rest of field was being sprayed, and roundup when it was about 2 feet tall-clean as a whistle. Sprayed silks with Tempo when first emerged and didn't have a single ear worm in the few hundred ears we have shucked-that was the only mainteance we did besides plant.
Rain this spring I am sure helped-but the ears are big and fully tipped out-a lot of it looks like something that should be in a magazine.
We planted Obsession II and Temptation II. I forgot which is which-will have to look in log book-we have just finished eating the first one and the second one should be ready in the next couple days.
Due to simplicity I will definately be planting it again-but...the taste....hmmm.. Is is not BAD-but for the price I had really high expectations. This first number I would rate it a 5 or 6 out of 10 of all the sweetcorn I have ever had. Illini Supersweet has been our favorite in the past, I would give it an 8 or 9 depending on the year.
Hopefully the 2nd variety will live up to expectations-but so far I am a little disappointed.
Edited by pbutler 7/29/2013 12:29
Markleville, Indiana | I kinda feel the same way about the Temptation II I planted Paul. Tastes pretty good, but really like Honey Select better. Was super easy to care for and really came up fast and looked great all year. Would like to try Obsession II or another RR for next year. Wish they had Honey Select in RR. It is very sweet and has me spoiled!!!
| If you gentleman don't mind me asking how expensive for the seed. I am looking for a different variety for my operation next year? |
Southern Indiana | It's about $350 for 25,000 seeds. |
Tennessee | I ordered mine through http://www.ruppseeds.com/rrsweetcorn/ |
Berwick, IL | If I remember correctly obsession II is fuller seasoned than temptation II and last year we thought the obsession tasted better. |
Top middle of MO. land of green hills and grass | Just for future reference, I believe the Tempo label specifically states not for use on any food crop....on page 7 in my label. You should already have in plant resistance to corn earworm to not need the spray if you plant it again next year. |
 Macon, IL | Thanks |