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IH 88 series tractors
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Posted 2/28/2013 20:14 (#2933332)
Subject: IH 88 series tractors

For thse who own or have owned them what are your thoughts are they good or bad?I'm looking at a 5088 and need to know what to look for or ask about.Thanks for any help you can provide.
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Posted 2/28/2013 20:16 (#2933340 - in reply to #2933332)
Subject: Re: IH 88 series tractors

For those who own or have owned a 5088 what are your thoughts,good or bad?What should I look for or ask about when buying?
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Posted 2/28/2013 20:24 (#2933382 - in reply to #2933340)
Subject: Re: IH 88 series tractors

We have had two 5088's, one as a 2WD and one a FWA with a loader. I really liked those tractors, huge improvement over the 86 series with respect to transmission shifting. We put lots of hours on both, with a lot of PTO work running square balers. The reverse air being pulled through the top of the hood had some issues in dry straw baling because of the collection of chaff on top of the screen--BUT you could at least see that it was plugging. Fan bearings were probably the biggest inconvenience to change due to the shaft going through the rad. All in all, I would run them again if I had need for one now.
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TP from Central PA
Posted 2/28/2013 20:32 (#2933401 - in reply to #2933332)
Subject: RE: IH 88 series tractors

I got a 5288 I got cheap............Been good so far(knock on wood). I like it, way better than the 86 series by light years. I'd make sure the Sentry is hooked up and working, and since its a 50, it would be nice to know the history of the rear end, if it was rebuilt/upgraded it would definitely be a great buy. The only thing I don't like about mine is the front end, has the '66 series carry over round tube, sure would rather have the heavy duty square axle like a Magnum...........Not a deal breaker, but they definitely should have not had that round tube under those heavy tractors.
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Posted 2/28/2013 20:59 (#2933504 - in reply to #2933332)
Subject: RE: IH 88 series tractors

I'll be brutally honest. PITA to clean radiator and chessey fan bearing. Parts, especially cosmetic and transmission parts, are getting hard to find, some discontinued, and stupid expensive. MFDs have pivot point issues, most are undergreased and wore into the center casting, an all but impossible fix and forsure extremely expensive. 5088s had light differentials, but many/most were fixed/updated. Sentry system (primitive computer for controlling/monitoring shift harshness and clutch pressures in the two-speed shift) can be tempermental. Park lever was designed by Where's Waldo and is hidden underneath the seat on the opposite side of the shift levers, to make sure hired men can't find it, ensuring that the side of your rear-end housing will blow out.

Okay on to the positives-- 4 more inches leg room than the 86s. No levers to trip over getting in the LH cab door. Some or most had tilt steering. Great hydraulics for its day, like 20-some gal a minute PFC. Syncronized tranny, but still not totally idiot proof and they forgot they forgot to put syncronizers in reverse gear. I think all 5088s had dual shaft 540/1000 pto. All in all a pretty good tractor, and I'd definately take one over a 4440.

They were a growing pains tractor. Most will say a big improvement over an 86 series, but no wheres near a Magnum. If you want a touch more comfort, a little easier shifting, and better hydraulics than an 86 series, but can't afford a Magnum, then this is your tractor.

IMHO, if I had a choice between a mint late 1086 for $15k or a mint 5088 for $20k, I think I'd pick the 10. Yes I'm wierd.

Edited by jalopy 2/28/2013 21:03
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Posted 2/28/2013 20:59 (#2933506 - in reply to #2933332)
Subject: RE: IH 88 series tractors

ask about the shift solonoids we had a few burn out on us, due to bad grounding we believe
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Posted 2/28/2013 21:01 (#2933514 - in reply to #2933332)
Subject: Re: IH 88 series tractors

I've had a 5288 for 7 years. It is the corn planting tractor and was the graincart tractor untill the 3788 came along 2 years ago. I really like mine. I redid the cab, just has gotten new paint. Put in a air ride seat, that really is nice. This tractor is for me is just a joy to drive all day. I'am sure there are newer ones that are much nicer, but for my operation, it fits the bill. I've heard that some times when cold that the transmission doesn't like to shift real well untill warmed up a bit but I have never had that. To me it is no differant than any other tractor of it's age, look for one that looks to have been taken care of. There are quite afew 5088's around here that are used all the time. I would buy another one in a heartbeat. I know they are getting up in age to be used as a main tractor, but I am able to work on it my self, and my 5288 has been very reliable.
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Posted 2/28/2013 21:06 (#2933533 - in reply to #2933514)
Subject: Re: IH 88 series tractors

Wellman, Iowa
Please show us the paint job when you can.
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Posted 2/28/2013 21:19 (#2933567 - in reply to #2933332)
Subject: Re: IH 88 series tractors

Amherst WI
My 5488 replaced my 1466. Obviously it was a lot nicer to run than the 1466, but I did hate the backwards doors with a passion. I used my 5488 as the main tillage tractor until I bought my Steiger. The 5488 was supposed to be putting out 225 hp, but it only put about 160 to the ground and the front would always slide around when turning. I traded my 5488 for a 8970 Genesis this last December. It was probobly an okay tractor for that timer period and price but I would rather have a similar vintage JD or 2590 Case if I was going to do it over again.
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Posted 2/28/2013 21:38 (#2933625 - in reply to #2933332)
Subject: Re: IH 88 series tractors

Zabcikville, TX
Who told you a 5488 was "supposed" to put out 225hp? Its only rated at 182 IIRC. It very well could, as it was/is a pretty well built tractor, expecting 40+ extra hp out of almost any tractor is a disaster waiting to happen. Of course, JMO.
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Posted 2/28/2013 21:45 (#2933645 - in reply to #2933625)
Subject: Re: IH 88 series tractors

We have a 5288 and a 5488 on our farm. Never again will we make this mistake.
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Bayou Pierre Farmer
Posted 2/28/2013 21:54 (#2933667 - in reply to #2933645)
Subject: Re: IH 88 series tractors

Hazlehurst, MS
We own a 5088 we bought new in 85. Has 7000 hrs now. Great tractor for us. One thing to ask would be if the transmission has been upgraded, older tractors of that series did not have the updated transmissions, which resulted in shifting problems.
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Posted 2/28/2013 21:55 (#2933671 - in reply to #2933332)
Subject: Re: IH 88 series tractors

I have never tried to post pictures, but when I get the 5288 back together, I will try to post them. Jblands, what is so wrong with your 5288 and 5488? There are alot of the 88 series in our area that are used all the time and people around love them. Same goes for 2+2 here. For the ones around here, if you use the tractor right, they seem to be great tractors.
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Posted 2/28/2013 22:04 (#2933693 - in reply to #2933671)
Subject: Re: IH 88 series tractors

Different farming situations. We are in rice country which means we are in mud a lot. My 2594 will go places that the 5488 will not even think of going. Just bought a 2670. We have only used it for about 5 or 6 hours but we really like it so far. 88 series would be ok for rowcrop. If I had to choose, I would go with the 2594 over the 5488 though. But like I said, different farming situations here. One other thing concerning parts. Like of the other poster stated, they are hard to get here. We had to replace the differential on the 5488 last year. The used parts dealership that we use in Sikeston, MO told us that we got the last differential that he had for that series and he probably would not be able to get another one.
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Posted 2/28/2013 22:11 (#2933713 - in reply to #2933693)
Subject: Re: IH 88 series tractors

New Ulm,MN
parts from a magnum fit
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