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Jd 4050 and 4250
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Poverty acres
Posted 2/14/2013 11:23 (#2898599)
Subject: Jd 4050 and 4250

Central SD
Are these two models the same thing with the engine turned up or down? Can a 4050 be turned up to 130 pto hp? TIA
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Posted 2/14/2013 12:49 (#2898763 - in reply to #2898599)
Subject: Re: Jd 4050 and 4250

Early model 4050's below SN 6510 used non turbo 466D engines. At that serial number they had 359 turbo engines used till they ended production. 4250's were all 466T engines. Turning up the 466D will get you some impressive smoke but not much power.
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Posted 2/14/2013 13:24 (#2898814 - in reply to #2898763)
Subject: Re: Jd 4050 and 4250

A 4250 is pretty much a 4450 with no turbo when it comes to HP.
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Posted 2/14/2013 15:44 (#2899022 - in reply to #2898814)
Subject: Re: Jd 4050 and 4250

jtpfarm - 2/14/2013 12:24

A 4250 is pretty much a 4450 with no turbo when it comes to HP.

4250's had a turbo. Had one years ago dyno at 155 from the factory, ran it at 185 with no problems. Like KTA said, most 4050's did not have a turbo.

Edited by ezzard 2/14/2013 15:44
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Posted 2/14/2013 16:31 (#2899097 - in reply to #2899022)
Subject: Re: Jd 4050 and 4250

Eastern North Carolina
4055 has a 466 turbo.... That's what I would look for.

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Posted 2/14/2013 17:29 (#2899209 - in reply to #2899022)
Subject: Re: Jd 4050 and 4250

ezzard - 2/14/2013 15:44

jtpfarm - 2/14/2013 12:24

A 4250 is pretty much a 4450 with no turbo when it comes to HP.

4250's had a turbo. Had one years ago dyno at 155 from the factory, ran it at 185 with no problems. Like KTA said, most 4050's did not have a turbo.

Really I didnt know that. They must have changed that after the 40 series. Did the 4250 have a turbo?
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Posted 2/14/2013 18:06 (#2899278 - in reply to #2899209)
Subject: Re: 4250 is really just a nice, updated, good-starting 4430.

jtpfarm - 2/14/2013 16:29

ezzard - 2/14/2013 15:44

jtpfarm - 2/14/2013 12:24

A 4250 is pretty much a 4450 with no turbo when it comes to HP.

4250's had a turbo. Had one years ago dyno at 155 from the factory, ran it at 185 with no problems. Like KTA said, most 4050's did not have a turbo.

Really I didnt know that. They must have changed that after the 40 series. Did the 4250 have a turbo?

4250 is a "nicer" 4430 (466 turbo). I've had one "forever", starts unplugged until 10 degrees.
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Virginia Veg.
Posted 2/14/2013 18:36 (#2899354 - in reply to #2899278)
Subject: More than just nicer.

Eastern VA. No such thing as too many Magnums.
4430 had the 404, 4250 had a 466, that gave it a lot more low end. Also they hydraulics on the 50s were much more capable, both flow and 3 pt capacity. 50s also had the 15 speed powershift option. But I would agree, a 4430 can do practically everything a 4250 can do, unless the 50 had MFWD. And the real late 30s weren't so bad for starting hard compared to the early 30s. Once they went to the vacuum controlled injection pumps, it helped a lot.

To the original poster, I would much rather have the 4250 than a 4050.
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Posted 2/14/2013 18:45 (#2899371 - in reply to #2898599)
Subject: Re: Jd 4050 and 4250

4040's were the last ag tractors to use a 404D engine and were 4020/4230 family drive train components. 4240's used 466D engines and shared the longer frame rails/hood/taller fuel tank and sheet metal that was common to the 4430's. Early 4050's were basically a 4240, same 466D engine, but could be had with MFWD and 15 speed Power-Shift shift transmisson. They were the last non turbo charged tractors built at Waterloo. The sheet metal was still the 4430/4240 stuff. The late 4050 used 4250 sheet metal parts with the 359T engine . All 4250's used the 466T engine and taller 4630/4440 sheet metal with the air cleaner under the hood and the larger fuel tank. 4450 shared the 4250 style metal but had the wider/heavier final drives of the 4440. 4055/4255/4455 tractors were updated to the 6076T engines with all having the same sheet metal/hood/fuel tank and etc. 4440/4450/4455 all have the heavy final drive in common. All 50 and 55 series tractors were improved in the hydraulics.
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Posted 2/14/2013 19:19 (#2899461 - in reply to #2899371)
Subject: Re: Jd 4050 and 4250

Have a 4050 here with the 466. Turned up to 120 hp a few years ago, 7500 hrs and still going strong

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Posted 2/14/2013 20:00 (#2899579 - in reply to #2899461)
Subject: Re: Jd 4050 and 4250

Very nice tractors ,And their price reflects that .
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