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Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!
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Posted 2/6/2013 06:40 (#2878369)
Subject: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

Alkota wont run the burner, been intermittently giving trouble. Got fuel, new filter, good connections. Ran it to dealer yesterday, changed vacuum switch and it worked. Was it bad or was it the ride, who knows. Now it is not working.

Trying to avoid loading it back up, leaving my dear washer that I cannot farm without, and having him try to sell me a new one while mine is still worth something.

Help, please.
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Posted 2/6/2013 06:44 (#2878376 - in reply to #2878369)
Subject: RE: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

Trenton, KY
Im not exactly sure what a vaccum switch is, but our Aaladin hot water washer was acting up and not wanting to engage the clutch again if you quit washing and then wanted to start back to washing. We finally determined it was the pressure switch that disengages the clutch when you let off the handle and the pressure builds. Put a new one in and away we went.
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Posted 2/6/2013 07:24 (#2878461 - in reply to #2878369)
Subject: Re: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

Itta Bena Mississippi
Feel your pain. My Elite does the same thing, multiple tips to fix with same result. Didn't have time nor patience to mess with during picking season when it's mandatory. Bought new one, put old one at washrack on highway for the truck drivers. Not a cheap answer, but an effective one from another southern "planter" that like his stuff clean.
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Posted 2/6/2013 07:33 (#2878487 - in reply to #2878369)
Subject: RE: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

Central Iowa
When mine does that it, I have to push the small red reset button on the motor and it fires right up. I hear what you are saying about what a great washer they are. I have mine hooked to a Culligan water softener. Hot soft water and good soap make it better than any car wash in town.
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Posted 2/6/2013 07:39 (#2878499 - in reply to #2878487)
Subject: Re: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

make sure your fuel tank is clean, i put a larger gravity fuel filter ahead of the factory one. solved my issues
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Posted 2/6/2013 09:44 (#2878787 - in reply to #2878369)
Subject: Re: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

West Union IA
Could also be the transformer.
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dave morgan
Posted 2/6/2013 10:41 (#2878894 - in reply to #2878369)
Subject: RE: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

Somerville, Indiana
of course I have never tried it, nor recommend using gas, but I hear that 10 to 20% gasoline helps a lot in cold weather...The crazy non saftey minded guy said to be sure the gasoline was mixed well before pouring in the heater tank..
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Posted 2/6/2013 10:59 (#2878932 - in reply to #2878369)
Subject: RE: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

Far North central Iowa, Northwood
the wrong size tip can cause the vacuum switch to not pull in all the way.
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Posted 2/6/2013 12:02 (#2879037 - in reply to #2878369)
Subject: Re: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

The tip is right, and new, and do have good flow out of tank. Sad part is I do know if I don't trade it with him now, in 6 months something else will crash and will be worthless. I refuse to not have it working. Contacts behind transformer are good and clean.
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Posted 2/6/2013 16:18 (#2879392 - in reply to #2879037)
Subject: Re: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

Far North central Iowa, Northwood
I traded mine because of the igniter on the diesel systems were troublesome and expensive to fix. went with a stationary lp one and like it except for the long delay for it to ignite, but you learn not to let off the trigger and its not to bad.
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Old Red
Posted 2/6/2013 17:38 (#2879540 - in reply to #2878369)
Subject: Re: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

Charing Cross, Ont.
There are different sizes of vac-on switches they need to be sized to the volume of water being sucked. Also there is a restictor in the float tank that makes the pump suck harder, could have fell off. thermostat could be bad, if you have one. But it does sound like the fuel tank is dirty and blocking off the fuel line.
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john john
Posted 2/6/2013 18:23 (#2879644 - in reply to #2878369)
Subject: Re: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

Central louisiana
Just buy new one. Donate old one to landlord, he could use it.
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Posted 2/6/2013 18:41 (#2879699 - in reply to #2878461)
Subject: Re: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

He certainly doesn't need it now to wash the vehicles on the new "Interstate". Will be nice however to load a truck to 110K all the way in the back and not worry about the road. Hopefully the flare will be out for harvest so it doesn't blind you while cutting.

Poor guys. How many people get 2 miles of road, 40' wide, stabilized, drainage put it, and a foot of limestone, and have it maintained.
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Posted 2/6/2013 20:04 (#2880017 - in reply to #2878369)
Subject: Re: Alkota hot water washer won't fire up, help!

Sparta, WI
Thermostat went bad in ours.
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