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Cat 299D or Deere 333D
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Posted 12/12/2012 21:34 (#2748618)
Subject: Cat 299D or Deere 333D


What are the pros and cons of each machine?

Cat concerns...The suspension undercarriage provides a smoother ride but makes grading more difficult as the suspension moves. Smaller cab. Ease of serviceability.

Deere concerns... People talk up the D series alot, but is that just because it is better than the 332? Visibility, the boom arms are big. Ease of serviceablity. Slower two speed.

I like the controls on the cat (foot throttle/decelerater when running wide open, etc...) but I like the bigger cab on the deere, and I hear the A/C is impressive (99% of the time I prefer to have windows open but with something so nice, would hate to get it dirty!) I think the quality of interior is better on Cat. Is the response time of controls good on each machine? Which machine is easier to keep clean/clean belly pan, floor pan, etc..? And most importantly, which machine would beat the other machine up, Takeuchi not included!

Thanks alot.

Edited by seedcleaner 12/12/2012 21:50

(299D (Small).jpg)

Attachments 299D (Small).jpg (59KB - 359 downloads)
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Posted 12/12/2012 23:29 (#2748920 - in reply to #2748618)
Subject: Re: Cat 299D or Deere 333D

Cat makes a beautiful looking and smooth machine but wont push with the 333D. I'd say try them side by side.
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Posted 12/12/2012 23:57 (#2748964 - in reply to #2748618)
Subject: RE: Cat 299D or Deere 333D

Why do you want that undercarriage?
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Posted 12/13/2012 09:41 (#2749398 - in reply to #2748920)
Subject: Re: I beg to differ ~

central - east central Minnesota -

dmax08 - 12/12/2012 22:29 Cat makes a beautiful looking and smooth machine but wont push with the 333D. I'd say try them side by side.

I would beg to differ ~
Is your experence, due to operator experence ?

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Chad H
Posted 12/13/2012 15:05 (#2749815 - in reply to #2748964)
Subject: RE: Cat 299D or Deere 333D


That 299 isn't suspended is it?

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Posted 12/13/2012 16:45 (#2749919 - in reply to #2749815)
Subject: RE: Cat 299D or Deere 333D

Chad H - 12/13/2012 14:05

That 299 isn't suspended is it?

Nope, they ride horrible.
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Posted 12/13/2012 22:55 (#2750622 - in reply to #2749815)
Subject: RE: Cat 299D or Deere 333D

As far as I know, the 299D is suspended. It has four rubber torsion axles.
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Posted 12/13/2012 23:02 (#2750642 - in reply to #2748618)
Subject: Re: Cat 299D or Deere 333D

the 299 is suspended. rides good empty, but is terrible loaded. i run case tv 380's and like them. the guy i work with has cat 279 and 289. the cat cabs are horrible. the doors and doorseals must have been an afterthought. it also takes alot of power to run the hydraulics on the cat. the deere is a good solid machine in my opinion over the cat.
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Posted 12/14/2012 09:35 (#2751096 - in reply to #2749398)
Subject: Re: I beg to differ ~

iseedit - 12/13/2012 09:41

dmax08 - 12/12/2012 22:29 Cat makes a beautiful looking and smooth machine but wont push with the 333D. I'd say try them side by side.

I would beg to differ ~
Is your experence, due to operator experence ?

Not quite sure what you were meaning to say....but if you asked if my opinion was due to operating experience, then yes. run them side by side and you will notice a big difference in pushing power. Run a Takeuchi and it while it makes the deere look bad, it puts cat out of the picture. but he said he didnt want a tak so we'll leave that where it is :)

Edited by dmax08 12/14/2012 09:37
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