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New Holland T8.330
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Posted 8/28/2012 10:17 (#2562814)
Subject: New Holland T8.330

I posted a few months back asking for opinions on upgrading tractors, since my business partner (dad) seemed to be getting a little softer with age and complaining about riding in 30 year old tractors all day. We took the plunge and sold our oldest tractor and purchased a new New Holland T8.330. For crying out loud these things are nice. The used stuff just seemed to be premium priced versus new, especially given csah discounts, warranty offerings, etc. I can see now how less worn out one will be after a long day in this versus the antiques.

I can't give a performance report on this versus other colors, because I don't know any different. I just know it was WAY cheaper than a Deere and considerably cheaper than an equivalent Case IH. Resale means nothing to me..........I give less for something up front, get an equivalent percentage for it in the end, and get to keep the rest of my money in the meantime and do something with it.
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Posted 8/28/2012 10:28 (#2562824 - in reply to #2562814)
Subject: Re: New Holland T8.330

Harlan, KY
Love the looks of the T8, product support down the road just scares me here. We run a few older Ford's and prices for parts are outrageous compared to the green stuff we buy.

Example: For one of our old 9700's, we needed a new master cylinder for the brakes. Ford wants $680 for that part. $150 for the rebuild kit. Just crazy, and that is just one example that keeps me from the reality of owning a newer blue one.

Congrats on the new machine, would love to try one for a day just to experience something different than green.

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Posted 8/28/2012 11:21 (#2562884 - in reply to #2562814)
Subject: Re: New Holland T8.330

SW Wisconsin
We have a T8.275 and so far I absolutely love this tractor. A big improvement over the T8000 series in my book. We did have the front seal go out on ours after 100 hrs, but the dealer was down the next day and swapped it out and its been fine ever since. I havent operated a new deere 8R but I cant see how they could possibly be that much better. The comfort of the new T8's is very nice, the cab is quiet and user friendly. Plenty of power. Good tractor for the money.
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Posted 8/28/2012 12:31 (#2562975 - in reply to #2562814)
Subject: Re: New Holland T8.330

Southcentral WI
I've run all three.....Deere 8R, T8 series NH, and the equivalent Red. Not much difference between the red and blue....same assembly lines for both. Visibility 100x better on the green, the integrated components and layout of the cab is soo much simpler and better on the green, and the suspended cabs and axles are more effective and nicer on the green. You get what you pay for, and some don't want or need those bells and whistles....but when comparing the three, I'll still take the green. Though i will say the NH's and CIH's aren't bad tractors though.
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Posted 8/28/2012 16:07 (#2563205 - in reply to #2562975)
Subject: Re: New Holland T8.330

Harlan, KY
agronomydave - 8/28/2012 12:31

....but when comparing the three, I'll still take the green. Though i will say the NH's and CIH's aren't bad tractors though.

You footing the extra $100,000.00 for Green over the others?

Just curious, seems to be the price difference between their top end MFWD models.

Edited by inotill 8/28/2012 16:07
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Jim Beam
Posted 8/28/2012 18:44 (#2563333 - in reply to #2562975)
Subject: Re: New Holland T8.330

Roaming the plains

8r with cab suspension?  Didn't think that they had that option.

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Posted 8/28/2012 21:54 (#2563670 - in reply to #2563205)
Subject: Re: New Holland T8.330

NW central IL
tractor for tractor,spec for spec on new ones, 100k? really
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Posted 8/28/2012 23:41 (#2564016 - in reply to #2563333)
Subject: Re: New Holland T8.330

South central Minnesota
I have quite a few hours in both the deere 8r and new holland T8 and would say the new holland cab is bigger and definitely quieter. The touch pad is equally cunfusing on both. The IVT on the deere nicer than the new holland powershift or any powershift for that matter. The visability on the deere is definitely better. The older style T8000 had great visability, the new ones not so much. New holland is better on fuel as expected.

I like a nice cab so my first choice would be to run the new holland but both tractors have advantages. We have not seen a large price difference between the two when equipped the same but the deere is somewhat higher.
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