| Well i have a JD 4630 PS, that once you get it started it runs like a champ, but getting it started is the problem. I have changed the fuel filters and also adjusted the fuel shutoff, and this has not helped. I get little to no smoke when cranking the engine, and even once its running it doesn't smoke like most 4630's i've seen. I have heard you can turn up the fuel on these for both running and starting. Can someone explain this in detail as i like the tractor, but this starting problem is driving me crazy. The tractor has around 7,000 hours. Thanks in advance for the help! |
| After you get it started can you shut it off and then restart it? Sounds like the fuel is bleeding off. Next time before you start it trying pumping up the primer on side of the injection pump or have somebody pump it while you crank. If that will get it started, then I would think it is bleeding off fuel. In the side of the fuel filter base where your two lines connect one of the lines has a check valve that it screws onto in the base. If you take the line off your will see it. Sometimes I have seen them come apart and actually get stuck in the line. |
| Yes! Once you have had it running it will start right back up with no problems. Thanks for the idea's, i will check what you suggested! |
Western WI | Does it have what is called a mouse trap that resets when you pull the shut off cable like some older 4430's? Make sure that is functioning properly.
| Eartly models were mechanical linkage with throttle all the way slow to set pump for starting.Adjust linkage or manually pull before starting. Late models were done by oil pressure control for starting. |
| Plug off the aneroid, seems like we used to do that way back when. May be wrong but that was 35 yrs ago. I also remember dad getting an injection guy to come out and set the rack and that helped also. |

| That was the problem with my Dad's 46'. For years we would just go to the primer and pump it a few times before we started it and it worked fine. |
Alhambra Il. | I have a 4630 powershift and it is very hard to start. I changed the starterto the newer stily put two 12 volt batteys in so it would crank faster startes ok now above 60 below that give it a shot of either starts right up tryed changeing pump and injectors that helped but starter made the biggest defferance. hope this helped Ken. |
Alhambra Il. | I have a 4630 powershift and it is very hard to start. I changed the starter to the newer stily put two 12 volt batteys in so it would crank faster startes ok now above 60 below that give it a shot of either starts right up tryed changeing pump and injectors that helped but starter made the biggest defferance. hope this helped Ken. |
Alhambra Il. | I have a 4630 powershift and it is very hard to start. I changed the starter to the newer stily put two 12 volt batteys in so it would crank faster startes ok now above 60 below that give it a shot of either starts right up tryed changeing pump and injectors that helped but starter made the biggest defferance. hope this helped Ken. |
| Thanks for everyone's advise! Tried pumping up the primer proir to starting and it started right up. Checked with JD on a lift pump and primer assembly and its $373.00 plus tax. Guess i will just keep pumping it for that kind of money. |

| Its been a few years, but I think on Dad's, it was just a check valve that was allowing it to bleed back, not the whole assembly, but I'm not certain about that. It has been a long time. We also have an old 7520 4wd that the previous owner put an electric fuel pump in the line just before the pump and wired it to come on with the switch. It seems to be working fine. Perhaps that would be an option as well. |
| You don't need the lift pump or primer, you need the check valve at the filter base AR73888, I'm guessing around 40 dollars. |

| NMJDAms, that sounds like what we did with Dad's tractor when we finally decided to fix it. Like I said, it has been a few years, but now that you say it that sounds right. |