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JD 8100 shifts into neutral on its own (help)
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Posted 4/1/2012 11:13 (#2315913)
Subject: JD 8100 shifts into neutral on its own (help)

South Central Kansas
Was going out to spray and put the tractor into gear went a little ways and it shifted into neutral. Doesent matter forward or reverse same thing. Never had this happen before. It does have radar but hasnt really worked for years so dont think that is a problem. Is there a sensor on the transmission or something. the code was PCU 51 if i remeber right. Been using it all week it just started today.

Edited by jamiebenz 4/1/2012 11:18
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Posted 4/1/2012 11:39 (#2315945 - in reply to #2315913)
Subject: Re: JD 8100 shifts into neutral on its own (help)

Madison, fl
Had something similar on 8410 before but the speed would go nuts then kick in neutral it was the speed sensor I think it was on left side and we came in from the back. Can't remember if a code came up or not because it's been so long. Hope this helps some.
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Lil' Hoss
Posted 4/1/2012 11:41 (#2315952 - in reply to #2315913)
Subject: Re: JD 8100 shifts into neutral on its own (help)

The wheel speed sensor is failing, it is located in the top of the rear differential housing in front of the rockshaft assy, it is easiest to access it from the left side if the rear tires are not set in tight.
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Posted 4/1/2012 11:50 (#2315969 - in reply to #2315952)
Subject: Re: JD 8100 shifts into neutral on its own (help)

north central iowa
Yep had the same on our 8100. Wheel speed sensor
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Posted 4/1/2012 12:15 (#2315997 - in reply to #2315969)
Subject: Re: JD 8100 shifts into neutral on its own (help)

South Central Kansas
On further checking the pto is also not engaging. Dont know if that is related to this problem, Also have no ground speed readout. Thanks
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Posted 4/1/2012 12:40 (#2316033 - in reply to #2315997)
Subject: Re: JD 8100 shifts into neutral on its own (help)

Monticello Ar
Axel speed sensor is what I needed on my 8400 other day same problem.
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Posted 4/1/2012 14:13 (#2316164 - in reply to #2315913)
Subject: Re: JD 8100 shifts into neutral on its own (help)

Crawfordsville, Arkansas
Had that happen on a 8100 that we had rented. It was previously been rented to a elevator to run a grain vac. Mice had gotten inside the cab and chewed through some wires between the cab and axle. That was years ago but it sounds like they chewed through the same axle speed sensor that everyone is talking about. Tractor would go into gear and move a hundred feet or so then kick into neutral. I remember the dealer coming out to fix it and it didn't take him long so it must have been something fairly easy.
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Posted 4/1/2012 23:35 (#2317237 - in reply to #2315969)
Subject: Re: JD 8100 shifts into neutral on its own (help)

Had the same problem on an 8200-wheel speed sensor fixed it. The wheels need to be slid out unless you only weigh 80 lbs.
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Posted 10/22/2020 11:00 (#8559374 - in reply to #2315913)
Subject: RE: JD 8100 shifts into neutral on its own (help)

WC Arkansas

I had same problem on my 2010 premium 6430. JD Techs replaced shift buttons, reverser and clutch switch. $750 plus parts later and still same problem. My brother noticed that it only happened after voltage shown on display dropped below like 12.8 or so volts. (Digital display). So I had alternator checked. It was good. All voltages stayed constant and above 13 volts. I knew there was voltage dropping somewhere. My first thought was corrosion and high resistance connections. There is a large green fuse under the hood labeled ELX. This supplies the electronics. I removed and cleaned the connections. Didn’t help. Next I pulled the fuse cover from behind the seat. I noticed a 3 relays. One was labeled ELX. I pulled it out and noticed it was very warm. Almost hot. I thought to myself. Could this be it. No way. I pulled the relay and pushed it back in a couple of times. Guess what. I haven’t had a problem since. I did order and replaced the relay a couple weeks later just because it was 10 years old.

Good luck.
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