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Calmer BT Chopper Knife rolls
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Posted 2/25/2012 12:03 (#2250654)
Subject: Calmer BT Chopper Knife rolls

Anyone have experience with the Calmer Chopper Knife rolls. I know they offer 10 vane chopping rolls for the JD corn heads . Just don't know anyone running them in my area.

Thanks for any info
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Posted 2/25/2012 12:16 (#2250666 - in reply to #2250654)
Subject: RE: Calmer BT Chopper Knife rolls

West Union, IOWA FLOLO Farm 52175

That should set you up for a good read,happy customer here
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Posted 2/25/2012 12:53 (#2250733 - in reply to #2250654)
Subject: Re: Calmer BT Chopper Knife rolls

So from reading on here the consensus seems to be the Calmer chopper rolls do a much better job than any of the other knife rollers on the market. But what about comparing to a Geringhoff Roto Disk or a JD 600 Stalkmaster? I saw the pictures of Calmer compared to the Stalkmaster out in Washington but that was in very thick green stalks that should shred very easily. What about in very dry stringy stalks like most of us had last do the BT Choppers work in those conditions compared to a chopping head?
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Posted 2/25/2012 21:19 (#2251615 - in reply to #2250654)
Subject: Re: Calmer BT Chopper Knife rolls

The black sand beaches of Jamaica, IL
In those conditions, drier stalks, they aren't quite as good as a chopping head. But, comparing the cost of updating the rolls to trading for a chopping head we have been very happy with the calmers on an 893. At about 10k to do the whole kit and anywhere from 50 - 90k for a trade it was an easy decision.

Edited by jamaicaecil 2/26/2012 01:50
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Posted 2/26/2012 11:02 (#2252492 - in reply to #2250654)
Subject: Re: Calmer BT Chopper Knife rolls

Does speed make a significant difference in chopping performance? Both header and ground speed?

Edited by hardietack 2/26/2012 11:03
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Posted 2/26/2012 14:55 (#2252962 - in reply to #2250654)
Subject: Re: Calmer BT Chopper Knife rolls

The black sand beaches of Jamaica, IL
Speed will make some difference, but not terribly significant unless the feeder is at the lowest speed then it seemed to need more momentum to chop better. We did tend to run the feeder at about 75% speed and ran 4-4.5 ground speed and got along good with that. Didn't really try to push the ground speed so I don't have a good test there.
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Posted 2/26/2012 15:17 (#2252998 - in reply to #2250654)
Subject: Re: Calmer BT Chopper Knife rolls

Can you go straight into the BT Chopper harvested stalks with a regular JD 2410 chisel plow in the fall without plugging? Or would it take some kind of a disk chisel/ripper to get through the stalks plugging free.

Edited by hardietack 2/26/2012 15:18
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Posted 2/26/2012 20:48 (#2253745 - in reply to #2250654)
Subject: Re: Calmer BT Chopper Knife rolls

The black sand beaches of Jamaica, IL
If you had some warm weather and a chance for the stalks to start breaking down.......maybe. They won't leave too many large lengths of stalk out there which would help the chisel from plugging but I'm not sure since we're hitting them with a disk ripper. Not sure on how well they would leave it for no-tilling either as the stalks all got worked in this fall but we didn't notice any major problems with excessive small bits of trash piling or flying away because of wind prior to tillage.
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Posted 2/26/2012 22:30 (#2254086 - in reply to #2250654)
Subject: Re: Calmer BT Chopper Knife rolls

Thanks so much for the info, very helpful. What type of disk ripper are you using? No plugging trouble with your rig? We typically do tillage right after combining...sometimes the same day. Can you run the corn head fairly close to the ground and do a good job of creating a fairly clean cut and short stubble? We would be running around 4.5 mph as well.
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Posted 2/27/2012 11:56 (#2254928 - in reply to #2250654)
Subject: Re: Calmer BT Chopper Knife rolls

The black sand beaches of Jamaica, IL
I'm using a 12' Krause Dominator that we've put 2 seasons through and I really like the job it does both cutting residue and leveling but they do pull pretty hard. The other disk ripper I've seen that looks like it's doing a good job as far as leveling and working is the new Case Ih 870. The problem is they're both fairly new tools and they tend to be pretty pricey. I've never had it plug around the shanks and maybe had the rear disks plug a few times through the season but nothing that I would call a problem. Yes you can also run low to the ground and create a fairly consistent stalk length and it leaves the stalk more exploded at the top to help the weather get to it and maybe make it a little softer on tires. The Geringhoff seems to leave it a little more ragged on top too but the mower blade choppers (stalkmaster)seem to leave a razor sharp stub standing that I think would tend to wear tires a little faster than the ragged stub but I don't really have any evidence to back that up.
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