nw iowa | any ideas on starling control. they get a free buffet everyday on the dairy and prove it everwhere they have been. tia |
WCIL | We have a beef feedlot and this is the first year that we haven't had any starlings in the winter. You must have em all. Oh well they'll probably all show up tomorrow. |
Chilliwack BC | In high school the neighbors would have a half dozen friends in the back of a pickup truck with tennis rackets and drive through the barn. |
East central SD | 12 guage, 7 1/2 shot and about 2 weeks of your time in morning when they show up. They will learn they are not wanted. Worked here. |
SW MN | http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gunblast.com/images/... |
Northern Kansas | We bought some feed pellets called starlicide complete from Purina. It looks like chicken feed and we set it out and try to bait them with it and it is poisoned to kill them. Just started and seems they are eating it so hopefully they die a slow and painful death as a rewarding for crapping everywhere... |
German Valley, IL | We have USDA come every year ... cost us like $500 I think ... they give you the bait feed , you bait them for a a while then they drop off the poison you put it down that day and the next day they come pick up the poison that you do not use
Where are you located ?
the guy that does ours comes out of Chicago
Edited by engbert2 2/8/2012 11:24
Ontario | Have heard of a large dairy farm that got in a falconer. They made a trap at the end of the barn at the ceiling. The falcon chased the birds into the trap, and collected them. Then the falconer used the birds as feed for his falcons. There was a bit of design that went into the process, but is seems to work for them. |
nw iowa | my location is nw iowa. are there any concerns for a poison that might pass through the birds and contaminate feed stuffs or cattle fountains. |
German Valley, IL | We have had no problems in the close to 10 years we have done it |
frederick, MD | 12 gauge 3 inch 9 shot. Will drop 20 birds with every shot. Some wont die, they just run around wounded for a few days. I think that scare the rest away. |
| Hi Steve, Brian get you hooked on Ag talk!! a couple years ago we got an exterminator from Whiting that came out and baited them, then later switched to poison, it seemed to work, but I will say that the weather broke then also, seems like we don't have problems untill the fields are snow covered. So no problem this year!! |
Thompsontown, Pennsylvania | Lol gonna have to try that. Neighbor moved up from franklin co. A couple years ago and it seems like he brought the darn starlings with him. Are u in the starling country down there or isn't it quite as bad where u are? Im told they don't build open feed alley barns in frankin co. Anymore. Just too many winged rats |
| LP cannon Random blast reenforced with a shot gun occasionally keeps them at a distance. It'll scare the crap out of unsuspecting salemen snooping around or in my case an REA guy checking a power pole. |
nw iowa | hello iowa dad, i would like to know your name so i know who i would be heckeling. we are going to try something darn things are sticking there tongue out at us and telling us they are number one. |
| I tried to call you, I will try again later!! |