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GPI 12 volt fuel pump wont pump-almost new
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Posted 7/27/2007 19:05 (#179318)
Subject: GPI 12 volt fuel pump wont pump-almost new

Has not pumped 1000 gallons of fuel and is only about 2 yrs old. It has worked fine before but now pump just runs and nothing comes out.
I checked strainer and it was clean. What more can I take apart and check?
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Posted 7/27/2007 19:13 (#179325 - in reply to #179318)
Subject: Is ita gear pump..?

Blvd d'Espair Bowhill, Sth Aust

   if it is primed, then i would suspect possibly a broken drive key that transfers torque from the drive shaft to the gear. Many units use a small plastic key, and a replacement can possibly be made from a on offcut of PVC pipe.

I had a  Macnaught chemical transfer pump that was very touchey about  how tight the screws holdng the face on were... any tighter than finger tight and the gears would drag and the key would shear.

One other thought you should check first... the polarity hasnt been revesed, and it is driving backwards..?

Edited by Ham 7/27/2007 19:22
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Posted 7/27/2007 19:28 (#179330 - in reply to #179325)
Subject: ...or......

Blvd d'Espair Bowhill, Sth Aust
 maybe the suction line has come apart , or is cracked
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Jon Hagen
Posted 7/27/2007 19:32 (#179333 - in reply to #179318)
Subject: Re: GPI 12 volt fuel pump wont pump-almost new

Hagen Brothers farms,Goodrich ND
If it has a permanent magnet motor (most now do) and you have the battery leads connected wrong, then the pump will turn backwards and will not pump.
Easy to do, this spring came home from seeding and found my brother with a shuttle pump about half disassembled and grumbling that the #@%%**+ thing runs, but will not pump a drop. I helped him finish disassembling the pump and found nothing wrong. about then it struck me I asked " do you have it correctly hooked to the battery" His only reply was a puzzled look. I checked the battery and yep, the red was on the neg post and black on the pos post. Reassembled the pump, correctly connected it to the battery (red to pos and black to neg) and it pumped just fine :-)

Edited by Jon Hagen 7/27/2007 19:37
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Posted 7/27/2007 20:30 (#179345 - in reply to #179333)
Subject: Re: GPI 12 volt fuel pump wont pump-almost new

I've had the bypass valve to stick and not let them pump, give it a sharp rap with your fist on top or a rubber hammer while it is running, this works for me. If that doesn't work, take the plug out of the top, the valve and spring is under it. Chcek to see if it will move up and down as it should.

Edited by Red/Green 7/27/2007 20:32
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Posted 7/27/2007 20:38 (#179348 - in reply to #179333)
Subject: Re: GPI 12 volt fuel pump wont pump-almost new

UP / Thumb of Michigan
Jon, I've had an identical thing happen here, although no one ( the guy that took it apart) will admit that was the problem LOL.
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Von WC Ohio
Posted 7/27/2007 22:33 (#179395 - in reply to #179318)
Subject: RE: GPI 12 volt fuel pump wont pump-almost new

As the others have stated take the cover off the front where the suction screen is located and check the plastic key in the drive gear. If the pump is left on too long in by-pass without pumping it will shear the key as a safety precaution.

E in the attached schematic.


Also check the O-ring on the by-pass poppet. I had a torn o-ring on a GPI pump this summer. It would not pump just like yours. Luckily I had a clear filter bowl on it and saw the piece of O-ring in the bottom. My O-ring was original though and was at least 20 years old.  

C in the attached schematic and accessible through the top pipe plug.

(P7270002 (Medium).JPG)

Attachments P7270002 (Medium).JPG (72KB - 591 downloads)
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Posted 7/27/2007 22:49 (#179400 - in reply to #179318)
Subject: RE: GPI 12 volt fuel pump wont pump-almost new

Thanks for the replies guys. I took it out of the tank and yes the pvc suction pipe was broken off. I went to town and got a galvanized pipe and put that on and it works like new.
thank you guys very very much for the advice.
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Posted 7/27/2007 23:11 (#179408 - in reply to #179318)
Subject: Re: GPI 12 volt fuel pump wont pump-almost new

SE Nebraska, Near Misery and Cans Ass!
Galvanized pipe should not be used with diesel. The zinc will dissolve in the fuel and damage your injector pumps. Don't ask how I know but the education was very expensive.
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