west central illinois | Am considering purchasing a late 70s model 686. Any comments good or bad appreciated. |
 Lincoln County. NC | Possible worn out external shifter linkages and the naturally free-wheeling TA would be my first concerns. Actually a pretty nice 70 HP or so tractor if it is in decent shape. |
| I looked at one on a sale one time, and it had a german diesel instead of the 360(i think) IH engine that the 666 series used. Rumor has it that if it has anything wrong with the injection system on the german engines (826 had the same engine) you are plum out of luck as far as parts go. I don't know if that was a re-badged, or remotored tractor on that sale, but it had the less desirable motor in it. We have three 666 tractors that we still use on a regular basis, and they are all great tractors.
Edited by rdpwr 9/17/2011 14:35
Thompsontown, Pennsylvania | 666 had EITHER the 310 or the 312. One was German, one was IH. 686 was either the same way or only available with the IH motor. You are thinking of the larger framed Ih's. The 826 had a german 358. The 766 had a IH 360. The 786 had german 358 and the 886 had 360 Ih's in the early models and 358 germans in the late models. Kept the 358 germans in the 3088's and 3288's up til the IH and Case merger. I have a 666 with the IH motor in it and love it. Very snappy little tractor. Will out pull my 80hp john deere atleast til it runs out of weight:) i think that is why i think it is so snappy. lots of power compared to the weight. A 686 SHOULD be the same deal |

| We bought a 686 new in 79 we still have it and we use it all the time. It used to be the main power here we all like it a lot still the original TA and motor |
Central Iowa | The 666 never had the 310 engine. The earlier 686's had the 312, later models had the 310. |
Clearville, Pa. | The way to tell if it has a 312 vs 310, 312 has two vertial oil filters on the engines, 310 is horizonial. We bought one new in 1976 312 engine and pulled a 2 row 717NH harvester, It would put any 3020 JD to shame. |