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What is the difference in a 1688, over a 1680 combine?
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Cotton Picker
Posted 7/9/2011 11:44 (#1855262)
Subject: What is the difference in a 1688, over a 1680 combine?

Holly Island, AR
My dad mainly has been thinking about upgrading our 1660, we have more grain this year to harvest due to the seep water we had. I was curious what makes a 1688 what it is compared to a 1680? Also, other than the cab of course, what about a 1688 and a 2188? I'm just curious because that's probably what we are looking at for what were wanting to pay. I'd like to upgrade to a 21, but I've found a really sharp 1688, so was curious. Thanks Bret.

Edited by Cotton Picker 7/9/2011 11:44
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Doug W
Posted 7/9/2011 11:53 (#1855267 - in reply to #1855262)
Subject: RE: What is the difference in a 1688, over a 1680 combine?

Regina/ 14 miles South of Moose Jaw Saskatchewan
Just moved into a late model 1660. From what I was told the last year 16x0 series were pretty much the same as the 16X8's - although some mention that there can be a difference in 8.2L RPM between the x0 and x8 series. From what I was told - our 1992 had the updated, or cross flow cleaning fan - earlier than that they had the paddle style - I think you can go back enough years on the 16x0's that you have the IH engine instead of the Cummins... but could be wrong...

Have been told (no direct experience) that the early 21xx series had some electrical gremlins with some of the electronics.

Good Luck!

Doug W.
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Posted 7/9/2011 11:58 (#1855268 - in reply to #1855262)
Subject: RE: What is the difference in a 1688, over a 1680 combine?

NW Washington
Check out Hoober's Axial Flow history for changes to IH/CIH rotary combines over the 30+ years that they have been made.
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Posted 7/9/2011 12:00 (#1855270 - in reply to #1855262)
Subject: Re: What is the difference in a 1688, over a 1680 combine?

Monticello Ar
1688 has more power than 1680 other than that real similar. most 1688's will outcut the 80s. 88 will also handle a 25' header better. The 21's to me wasn't much above the 1688 nicer cab slight power increase. The late 1688 and an early 2188 are pretty much tit for tat. If u can put or get one with the afx rotor kit on them u will be amazed at the difference between either one and ur 1660.
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Posted 7/9/2011 13:58 (#1855399 - in reply to #1855262)
Subject: Re: What is the difference in a 1688, over a 1680 combine?

Itta Bena Mississippi
More power and a squirel cage cleaning fan Bret. Unless you're looking at a real late 1680 with the long screens, I'd say the you'll tell a pretty noticeable difference. The Cummins powered 1680s had several different hp/rpm ratings through it's production.
The 92 model 1680 and the 1688s were the 1st big Axialflows that ever made me have to work to stay ahead of with my 8820s in soybeans.
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Posted 7/9/2011 15:19 (#1855492 - in reply to #1855399)
Subject: Re: What is the difference in a 1688, over a 1680 combine?

Huntley Montana
1680 with a Cummin's ran 27-2800 rpm. the 1688 ran 2400 rpm. Squirrel cage fan started in the 88's. Late (after mid 90) 1680's had the same seive & shoe as the 7088 does today.
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Posted 7/9/2011 19:03 (#1855709 - in reply to #1855262)
Subject: RE: What is the difference in a 1688, over a 1680 combine?

Hazelton, Kansas 6.75 miles N of Crowbar
1688 has a lot better hyd. than a 1680. I have a 1680, 1688, and a couple of 23,s. The wick has been turned up on the 1688. Other than the nicer cab there is nothing the 23's can do that the 1688 can't do. The seat /armrest setup fits me better and I actually prefer running the 1688. Dirt
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Posted 7/9/2011 20:06 (#1855776 - in reply to #1855709)
Subject: Re: What is the difference in a 1688, over a 1680 combine?

SC Kansas
really a 1688 and the 2188 are the same other than the cab and I believe the hydro pressures run higher. I am running a 1688 and like it very well. I don't see a reason to change until the 7088's get into my price range because I wouldn't gain much other than creature comforts.
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Cotton Picker
Posted 7/9/2011 22:42 (#1856003 - in reply to #1855262)
Subject: Re: What is the difference in a 1688, over a 1680 combine?

Holly Island, AR
Thanks for all the feedback, it's appreciated.
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Cotton Picker
Posted 7/9/2011 22:43 (#1856005 - in reply to #1855268)
Subject: Re: What is the difference in a 1688, over a 1680 combine?

Holly Island, AR
That's a neat link, thanks. It shows that the 1688 has the same HP as a 2188. Lots of neat info there, thanks.
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Posted 7/9/2011 23:22 (#1856071 - in reply to #1856005)
Subject: Re: What is the difference in a 1688, over a 1680 combine?

north west arkansas
I really like that link also. I have ran 1460's since 1993 and I bought a 1688 2 years ago and have been really happy with it. I personally think they give you about the best bang for your buck in the case Ih combines.
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