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Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?
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Posted 5/20/2011 11:55 (#1783138)
Subject: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

North Central Iowa

I had a guy stop by here just a while ago and he showed me Apsa 80. It is a product that supposedly maximizes water usage and can break up compation and help drain standing water. Sounds way to good to be true. Lot of other things mentioned. Claims you can spend $8-9 acre for a full treament and get a $30 return. Just wondering like I said sounds kinda fishey.

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Posted 5/20/2011 13:02 (#1783193 - in reply to #1783138)
Subject: RE: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

W. central IL.
What is the active ingredient and the mode of action? Show me some science! If all of these wonder products did any good they would be "mainstream' in a heartbeat!!
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Posted 5/20/2011 13:52 (#1783253 - in reply to #1783138)
Subject: Re: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

Remember if its too good to be true it probably is. Im no expert but i would save my money.
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Posted 5/20/2011 14:06 (#1783269 - in reply to #1783253)
Subject: Re: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

North Central Iowa

I am not planning on trying it just curious if anyone here has used it. I would believe someone on here before the guy trying to sell it.

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Rich in Mo
Posted 5/20/2011 15:55 (#1783377 - in reply to #1783269)
Subject: Re: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

My experience with Apsa-80 years ago was that it was an excellent adjuvant for the spray tank, but I would be suspect about using it for compaction.
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SEK Farmer
Posted 5/20/2011 18:30 (#1783538 - in reply to #1783138)
Subject: RE: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

Southeastern Kansas
Had a former elevator manager come by selling the stuff. Hated to be rude and after asking about it on ag talk and getting a somewhat favorable response, I bought two jugs @ way too much money. I want to use it in place of crop oil with Cobra on beans. We will see if it is worth what I paid.
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KF Farm
Posted 5/20/2011 21:05 (#1783721 - in reply to #1783138)
Subject: Re: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

Central Missouri
why dont you buy 20 acres worth and decide for yourself? Try it on your most compacted ground. it will be easy to see the results or lack thereof
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tooth and nail
Posted 5/20/2011 22:23 (#1783866 - in reply to #1783138)
Subject: Re: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

Sounds like a sales pitch around here last year , forgot the name , but you could spray it on top of the ground , then pull the plow AT LEAST a gear higher. He pretty much got laughed out of the county
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Posted 5/21/2011 08:09 (#1784271 - in reply to #1783138)
Subject: Re: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

West Texas
We used to get it in 30 gl drums. Used it instead of crop oil. Now we don't run crop oil or Apsa-80 much anymore. But the A[psa-80 is cheaper then crop oil as you don't use but half as much of it or maybe even less. I can't remember for sure now.
Never heard about the other claims on it, to us it was just an adjuvant.
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Posted 5/21/2011 08:40 (#1784304 - in reply to #1784271)
Subject: Re: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

north central Kansas
I read some about it a couple years ago when I heard about it also. I'm thinking the chemical somehow changed the surface tension of water, supposed to makie it infiltrate the ground easier. the same properties that made it a good adjuvant. Sort of the opposite of Rain-X making water bead up on a windshield. I don't remember where I read this stuff, though.
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Mizzou Tiger
Posted 5/21/2011 13:21 (#1784652 - in reply to #1783138)
Subject: Sounds like Ocean Front Property in Arizona.............

if you believe that then you better buy a boat load and send it out east and up north.............because they are mudding in corn............going to need to break that compaction and sidewall disruption some how............

Sounds like golden opportunity to make some money or learn a lesson............likely the latter of the two...............

Edited by Mizzou Tiger 5/21/2011 13:22
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Posted 5/21/2011 13:25 (#1784656 - in reply to #1784304)
Subject: Re: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

North Central Iowa

The guy talking to me was trying to sell it as a soil amendment product, but did mention using as an adjuvent. Sounds like he should be pushing it more as and adjuvent. I was really thrown off by his hand drawn slides and his demo spraying water on cardboard and his explaination on how it worked. Not sure he knows much about farming. I also with a little research found it is an AMWAY product so guessing this guy is just an amway salesman.

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Posted 5/21/2011 13:50 (#1784692 - in reply to #1783138)
Subject: RE: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

North Central Kansas,
breaks compaction and drains standing water??????!!!!!!!!!! when something sounds to good to be true..............
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Posted 5/22/2011 10:47 (#1785769 - in reply to #1784692)
Subject: Re: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

We used it when we first switched to notill 20 years ago. We used it as a spray adjuvent for our burndown. It was sold as a non-ionic surfactant. It did seem to help with water infiltration. Looking back maybe it was simply our soil becoming more permeable because of going to notill and maybe the APSA80 helped. We did seem to get rid of water after a rain faster than our neighbors. Then other companies came out with surfactants and Monsanto added it to Roundup so we quit using it and our notilled fields still get rid of water faster than the neighbors. Did it help? Good question. It sure didn't hurt anything.
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Posted 5/22/2011 14:04 (#1786031 - in reply to #1783138)
Subject: Re: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

Good Ol' East Texas
We have used it every year since I can remember when we spray our pre-emerge on all of our hay meadows. After rains we are the first to get back on to the fields compared to our neighbors. We are in deep sand so compaction not really that big of issue. From what I remember we sprayed half a field with it and half field without. We could see the difference. If I recall it has a money back guarantee if it doesn't do what it says.
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Posted 7/14/2014 11:28 (#3967520 - in reply to #1783138)
Subject: RE: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

I have been an Amway distributor for a year and a half. My dad recently bought some property and we are looking to farm some, and he already has some cattle. I went through a training class on the Amway AG products, Apsa 80 (adjuvant), Nutriplant SD (seed treatment/fertilizer), and Nutriplant AG (foliar stimulant/fertilizer). I'm not going to say I'm a "farmer" but as an engineer, and having been an avid gardener for 20 years, I do know how plants grow and about soil. The information on Apsa 80's use for soil decompaction makes a lot of sense, and the research and photo results for the effects of nutriplant on root and plant growth also makes a lot of sense.

So in my opinion, using them should have a significant difference over untreated crops. How big will the difference be on your crops? Don't know. But it doesn't seem like a bad idea to give some a shot on a few test acres. If it works out like they claim, then you're going to happily buy a lot more for the rest of your fields. If not, then you aren't out much, and Amway is pretty good about backing up their product claims.

As for us, we are really looking forward to trying the Amway product on about 10-15 acres the next chance we get. I'm confident in our product. I'll post how it goes.
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Posted 3/14/2018 00:03 (#6640533 - in reply to #1783138)
Subject: RE: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

If anyone wants to try it
Go to more products at top right and B2B products
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Posted 10/10/2018 22:27 (#7039534 - in reply to #1783138)
Subject: RE: Apsa-80 anyone use it? Does it do what they claim?

I just made a post about this product, if you're still wanting information about it -

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