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JD 9100 Install PTO or hydraulic drive on grain cart?
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Posted 1/6/2011 19:58 (#1531356)
Subject: JD 9100 Install PTO or hydraulic drive on grain cart?

Looking at buying a JD 9100 4WD. This would be the primary tillage tractor, if you could call it that in a no-till operation, i.e. turbo-till. This would also become the main grain cart tractor. We have a J&M 620 grain cart. The tractor does not have a PTO, but does have 4 remote valves. Trying to decide if we would be better off installing a PTO, or put a hydraulic drive on the grain cart. This would be the only PTO operation for the tractor. This tractor is priced right, thus the reason for this posting. Any cost for adding the PTO? Any suggestions are welcomed?
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Posted 1/6/2011 20:10 (#1531399 - in reply to #1531356)
Subject: RE: JD 9100 Install PTO or hydraulic drive on grain cart?

Western Iowa
From what I know,

Hydraulic drive auger will be quite a bit slower, just can't get enough hydraulic HP to rival anything close to a PTO.

Having said that, if your auger empties in 2 minutes now, might be able to have a hydraulic drive do it in 5. If that is fine, go hydrauic

It take 10-12,000 to put a PTO in a 9100
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Posted 1/6/2011 20:45 (#1531502 - in reply to #1531356)
Subject: Re: JD 9100 Install PTO or hydraulic drive on grain cart?

just put pto on our 4wd this fall.. do some shopping around pays big time.. local dealer wanted 2k more for the pto kit than another dealer.. for what its worth, paid 10.5k for pto kit for 60 series 24 speed and took about 900 at dealer to install..
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Posted 1/6/2011 22:00 (#1531729 - in reply to #1531502)
Subject: Re: JD 9100 Install PTO or hydraulic drive on grain cart?

Have Hydraulic drive on 2 carts, love them, 9120 and 9220 with a articulating tractor you can move the steering whell and move the auger side to side and not have to be staight as with a pto a little bit slower but would not go back to pto. Nice to see in truck with big tractor
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Posted 1/6/2011 22:17 (#1531808 - in reply to #1531356)
Subject: RE: JD 9100 Install PTO or hydraulic drive on grain cart?

Rivers, MB
as long as you have time to get back to the combine/s before they are full, then a hyd. drive is just fine. we have had a hyd. drive cart for 3 years now. it would be nice to have PTO but our combines have never had to sit and wait for the cart to get back so we are having trouble justifying a $14000 PTO for our tractor. the only time we have had problems is in oats because they yield double what most of our other crops do.

# of combines, yields and length of fields will be the determining factor.

Running a cart on a 4WD is pretty nice compared to a 2WD or MFWD.
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Posted 1/6/2011 22:36 (#1531871 - in reply to #1531808)
Subject: RE: JD 9100 Install PTO or hydraulic drive on grain cart?

Thanks for the info. Does anyone know what a hydraulic drive kit cost to install on J&M? The speed of unloading is not a factor right now. With the current setup, we have not been unloading on the go. Basically using the cart to enable me to unload at the opposite end of the field without having to deadhead back to the truck. Been running the cart on 4440. Been a little concerned about drawbar weight when loading the cart full, and driving back to the truck. However having a tractor that will handle a full cart may open the door for unloading on the go.
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Posted 1/7/2011 12:38 (#1532950 - in reply to #1531871)
Subject: Re: JD 9100 Install PTO or hydraulic drive on grain cart?

AB, Canada
Once you have pto driven cart you won't want to go back.
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Posted 1/7/2011 12:45 (#1532961 - in reply to #1532950)
Subject: Re: JD 9100 Install PTO or hydraulic drive on grain cart?

Dix (Boyd), IL
Speed was the only factor for us. We bought it last year for a J&M 750 behind a JD 8650. We only ran about 1000 bushels through it and figured out we couldn't keep up with the combine. So we put the pto back on the cart and put the cart back on our 8400. If it is the same kit as for your 620, I would sell mine to you. It can ship ups.
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Posted 1/7/2011 15:41 (#1533228 - in reply to #1532950)
Subject: Re: JD 9100 Install PTO or hydraulic drive on grain cart?

Rivers, MB
But if you can easily keep up with a hyd. drive, what's the point in spending money to put a PTO on? No point in emptying out fast and then sitting for 10 minutes waiting for the combine to fill up again.

i would agree that if you need more speed than the hyd. can provide, than PTO is a great option.
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