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Grain Bin Peak Bushels
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Posted 11/16/2010 18:16 (#1439025)
Subject: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

Madision County, IL
How do I figure the bushels in the peak of a full 36' diameter bin?

The corn moisture would have been approximately 15% at 56lb test weight.



Edited by JAR 11/16/2010 18:17
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Gary, Eastern Iowa
Posted 11/16/2010 18:39 (#1439056 - in reply to #1439025)
Subject: RE: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

Gary Edwards Anamosa, Iowa

(height of cone/3)*814.3

example a 12 foot high cone would contain (12/3)*814.3 = 4*814.3=3257.2 bushel of 56# shelled corn.

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Posted 11/16/2010 19:03 (#1439098 - in reply to #1439056)
Subject: Re: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

Interesting, does this work for other crops as well? Would you use the same numbers for other crops such as wheat or sunflowers?
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Posted 11/16/2010 19:15 (#1439113 - in reply to #1439056)
Subject: RE: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

SW MN and Gold Canyon AZ
Ok ,trying to measure the peak when the bin is full and running out the hatch is hard. What is the normal grain height for the peak on a 18, 24 and 30 ft bin??
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Cross Country
Posted 11/16/2010 19:28 (#1439139 - in reply to #1439025)
Subject: Re: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

Ottawa, Ontario
General rule of thumb is 3 feet of grain in a larger bin, 2 feet in the smaller ones.

Example - 24 foot bin is roughly 400 bu/foot - 20 feet to the eave plus 3 feet for the cone = 23 feet x 400 = 9200 bu

Not precise but will give you a quick figure.
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John Smith
Posted 11/16/2010 19:34 (#1439152 - in reply to #1439025)
Subject: RE: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

South Central Illinois
A peak or pile is 1/3 of a cylinder of the same measurement.
An inverted cone, like what is left when you remove corn from a bin is 2/3 of a cylinder.
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Posted 11/16/2010 19:36 (#1439156 - in reply to #1439025)
Subject: RE: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

Here in the USA
Bu. in the peak
18' is 550 bu.
24' is 800 bu.
30' is 1575 bu.
36' is 2700 bu.
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Posted 11/16/2010 19:39 (#1439163 - in reply to #1439113)
Subject: RE: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

39.48, -82.98
The "angle of repose" for dry corn is about a 40% slope. So a 30-ft diameter bin has about a 6-ft cone. (15-ft radius × 0.4 = 6 ft)
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Posted 11/16/2010 20:08 (#1439214 - in reply to #1439156)
Subject: Re: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

central MN
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Posted 11/16/2010 20:33 (#1439267 - in reply to #1439025)
Subject: Re: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

You start with the angle of repose for corn which is 23 degrees for a standard bushel at 15% moisture. Using trigonometry, the tangent for 23 degrees is .4245. With a base of 18 ft, the height calculates to 7.64 ft. Using the formula for a cone, the volume of the cone is 2591 cubic ft, or 2073 bu.
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Posted 11/16/2010 20:47 (#1439297 - in reply to #1439025)
Subject: RE: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

Madision County, IL
Thanks for the feedback. It was very helpful.
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Posted 11/17/2010 00:45 (#1439845 - in reply to #1439163)
Subject: Re: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

Here's the formula for determining peak height & capacity that my ins. company uses

cone = Dia. x Dia. x .2618 x Height / 1.25

determining peak height:

corn peak height = .42x(0.5xdia)
beans peak height = .47x(0.5xdia)

F>S>A.'s formula for determing bin capacity & pack factors

Dia. x Dia. x .7854 x Height x .8 x pack factor = Bushells

pack factor for corn
56# TW = 1.018 61# TW = 1.093
57# TW = 1.033 62# TW = 1.108
58# TW = 1.048 63# TW = 1.123
59# TW = 1.063 64# TW = 1.138
60# TW = 1.078 65# TW = 1.153

Edited by boog 11/17/2010 00:48
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Posted 11/17/2010 09:58 (#1440198 - in reply to #1439025)
Subject: RE: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

I always just add what a ring would hold(32" ring) ad its always close..
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Posted 11/17/2010 11:16 (#1440303 - in reply to #1439025)

Hoffman, IL
This always works well for me.
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Posted 11/17/2010 13:57 (#1440512 - in reply to #1439025)
Subject: Re: Grain Bin Peak Bushels

Leesburg, Ohio
As was said above, just figure it as a cylinder, and divide by 3.
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