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ford payloader A64
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Posted 8/17/2010 22:04 (#1320063)
Subject: ford payloader A64

Looking at buying a ford A 64 payloader at auction next week. Anyone have any knowledge or experieces with them. any ingo would be appreciated. thanks.
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Posted 8/17/2010 22:58 (#1320191 - in reply to #1320063)
Subject: RE: ford payloader A64

North Central Ohio
Friend has one and loves it . Roger use's it hard in his construction business . Hope it helps .
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Pat H
Posted 8/18/2010 10:29 (#1320721 - in reply to #1320063)
Subject: Re: ford payloader A64

cropsey, il 61731
I have an A66 that had a bad engine. It took a little scrounging to find another ford 401, but the total bill for parts and the loader was around $5000. I'm not sure it's worth much more (cab interior is shot). In general it seems like a pretty narrow loader for it's capacity - I can get it into places pretty easily. It is taller than loaders of similar capacity though and can limit work inside a shed. I use it just for occasional farm work - lifting stuff, moving a little gravel, loading some ground asphalt (probably the longest I've used it at one time). The biggest problem I've had is keeping tires from going flat. I went from bald tubeless to tube tires with some tread to tubeless michelins with not much tread trying to find tires that hold air. Now, I have at least 1/2 gal of slime in each tire and it might be working - though I haven't gone down the road very far yet either (seems to be a problem after driving 4 miles).

If the interior is good and it has good tires and paint the a64 you are looking at would be worth more than mine, but none of these machines are worth lots of money. Usually they are too big for farm use and too small and old for heavy construction/gravel pit use. The the only thing holding the value up is more farmers like us see them as a cheaper alternative to a tractor with a loader and they handle much higher loads - means more hands up at sales.


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Posted 8/18/2010 10:44 (#1320741 - in reply to #1320063)
Subject: RE: ford payloader A64

The downfall of most is keeping brakes on them,the o-rings go bad and leak into the planetaries. If you check the fluid levels in the rears and they are overfull expect to do brake work. ( or fill the brake pump up before using) after awhile if rears are run overfull axle seals will leak. I've had 4 A-series
Fords,like the A-62 the best . New Holland got me a complete crate motor with all accessories for the 62 . After a center pin bushing job, she was sweet.
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Posted 8/18/2010 11:55 (#1320824 - in reply to #1320063)
Subject: RE: ford payloader A64

In their day; a good loader. Today... they're an old, obsolete orphan. If you look through the parts catologue... there are VAST areas not even shown, indicating to me that there are a lot of things NLA.
There's no doubt a way for a creative ...rigger to keep one working IF you can buy it dirt cheap... but you need to look at it as disposable. Engine parts are the least of your worries. Axles and transmissions would worry me a lot more.

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