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small square baler knotter problem.
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Posted 7/1/2010 08:58 (#1256878)
Subject: small square baler knotter problem.

Mountain West
On a JD 347 one knotter is leaving an extremely short tail on the knot, to the point where it occasionally comes untied. I've varied the adjustments from both sides of book recommendations on the twine discs, knife arm, tucker fingers, needles, twine tension, billhook tongue pressure, and switched between billhook types. I've tried light plastic, heavy plastic, and sisal. It works best with heavy sisal, but I want to use light plastic, which gives me the most problems. I would appreciate any ideas.
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Posted 7/1/2010 09:14 (#1256897 - in reply to #1256878)
Subject: RE: Check your hay dog and hay dog springs.

Kittitas Co. Wa. State

weak (broke) hay dog spring can't get the dog back down into the chamber fast enough or could be worn down and needs replacing.


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Larry in AB
Posted 7/1/2010 09:19 (#1256906 - in reply to #1256878)
Subject: RE: small square baler knotter problem.

Alberta, Canada
So is it making the tail too short like in the picture? At times it would just be barely enough sticking out on the one knotter. That happend one time to me, but I'd have to check my book to see what I did to fix it.

Edited by Larry in AB 7/1/2010 09:21


Attachments knots.jpg (28KB - 497 downloads)
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Joel Harman
Posted 7/1/2010 11:39 (#1257022 - in reply to #1256878)
Subject: Re: small square baler knotter problem.

N.C. Oregon
You are asking it to tie a smaller diameter twine. Adjust accordingly.
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Hay Hud Ohio
Posted 7/1/2010 14:39 (#1257150 - in reply to #1256878)
Subject: RE: small square baler knotter problem.

SW Ohio
Don't have a lot of time today, Have you checked the position of the twine knife? sounds like it may be bent and cutting too close to the bill hook, or twine knife arm is loose in the pivot.
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Posted 7/1/2010 14:52 (#1257159 - in reply to #1256897)
Subject: Re: small square baler knotter problem.

Agreed. Check the dog spring. Bet it is broken.
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Posted 7/1/2010 15:01 (#1257162 - in reply to #1256878)
Subject: Re: small square baler knotter problem.

Mountain West
Larry in AB, the knot tail is even shorter than the one in your picture. There is barely enough tail to hold a knot.

The hay dogs and springs are good. The dimpled retainers could be better. I'll probably replace them soon.

The twine knife is straight and sharp. I put new bushings in the knife arm. The throat is grooved somewhat, so I may replace the arm next.
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Southern Farmer
Posted 7/1/2010 17:17 (#1257239 - in reply to #1256878)
Subject: Re: small square baler knotter problem.

West Texas
Just start replacing parts, you'll find the problem on the last part you buy.
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Posted 7/1/2010 17:47 (#1257260 - in reply to #1256878)
Subject: RE: small square baler knotter problem.

Is the knot loose right after it is tied when there is still slack in the strings? If so, could be the billhook is not holding enough tension on the string as the wiper arm wipes the string off. The twine slips out of the billhook to easily and leaves a loose knot. As the bale exits the bale chamber and the bale springs out, the slack in the knot is taken up and leaves very little tail. This might also explain why the heavy sisal works best.
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Posted 7/1/2010 19:25 (#1257315 - in reply to #1256878)
Subject: RE: small square baler knotter problem.

Lincoln County. NC
Set the twine disc timing on the early end of the spec and the knife arm clearance on the thin side. NH looks for 3/8" to 1/2" of knife arm/ billhook clearance at the end of the knifearm stroke, try the lower end of whatever Deere wants. The actual twine knife being bent towards the billhook is a very good thing to check for.
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Posted 7/1/2010 20:10 (#1257355 - in reply to #1257162)
Subject: Re: Check for a broken roll pin in the trigger,

Kittitas Co. Wa. State

(JD probably calls it something different)

Can't tell by looking, have to drive the roll pin out, if you get more than 1 piece roll pin that's the problem.  Had that happen once, would lose a knot as wasn't pulled tight enough. Very random bad tie knot, #2 twine slipping out.



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Posted 7/2/2010 01:19 (#1257823 - in reply to #1256878)
Subject: Re: small square baler knotter problem.

Mountain West
The knot is a little loose coming off the billhook. I've tried two billhooks (used) and set the pressure at the high end, but I'll double check. Thanks.
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Posted 7/2/2010 11:47 (#1258160 - in reply to #1257823)
Subject: Re: small square baler knotter problem.

I've got a Ford with similar problem right now. Still haven't finished working on it... but when I do it'll be a matter of retiming the twine disc and then possibly rebending the stripper arm to get the correct knife relationship as Rick suggested. I've been through everything else. It's either the twin disc timing or the knife/billhook relationship assuming that you have the twine tension reasonably close...

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Posted 7/4/2010 01:24 (#1259761 - in reply to #1257260)
Subject: Re: small square baler knotter problem.

Brett, I noticed this year both of my knots are loose like this using plastic twine. Without looking at my manual, I see what you said, but what do I adjust to fix this. I suppose if I was looking at my manual it would be obvious.

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