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Posted 2/1/2007 08:07 (#97441)
Subject: AGCO DT160

Taking a look at one of these, around 3800hrs. Any thoughts on how they are?
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Posted 2/1/2007 08:49 (#97461 - in reply to #97441)
Subject: Re: AGCO DT160

Archer Iowa
WE bought one a 2002 model in Feb. We use ir for planter tractor. If you want to see over the hood or along the side forget it you don't see much. Deere's 20and 30 series are great for seeing out. We had shifting problems with ours. Could only plant 2mph. In the fall used it on grain cart worked ok. Maybe alittle short on power for 650 bu. cart. Also had heater leak on the roof drips on the inside of the cab makes a mess on headliner.I would go for 180 little extra power. But would really like to try a 8220 or 8330. My son works at a Deere dealer after school so I am getting to see the "light" .
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Posted 2/1/2007 08:52 (#97463 - in reply to #97461)
Subject: Re: AGCO DT160

what does your son do at the deere dealer, if they are so perfect, he must not have much to do. I like some models of deeres, but they are also not perfect.
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Posted 2/1/2007 09:19 (#97473 - in reply to #97463)
Subject: Re: AGCO DT160

Strange isn't it, Those deeres are the best tractors ever built,yet every dealer has a big shop and lots of machanics. Guess their just for set up and delivery.
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Posted 2/1/2007 09:22 (#97475 - in reply to #97461)
Subject: Re: AGCO DT160

All of your problems are easily fixed. I would guess the power problem stems from the wastegate on the turbo. If you had that fixed, you would think you had a different tractor.
Do you not have any dealer support?
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Posted 2/1/2007 09:44 (#97488 - in reply to #97473)
Subject: Re: AGCO DT160

Macon, IL
When you sell 4x as many as any other brand you need a bigger shop. ;)
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Posted 2/1/2007 10:02 (#97496 - in reply to #97488)
Subject: bigger shop for what reason?

.I know they all have problems, and you sell more, you need bigger facilities, but deere's are nice, but not perfect is my point. it is just a collection of metal, plastic, rubber, etc, put together by man. some brands and also models have a nicer feel to them.

I think jd may be in danger of becoming the gm of tractor dealers. they will have to continue to put quality behind there name, cant rest on the past performance and idea that customers will buy them no matter what.

Edited by mick 2/1/2007 10:05
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Posted 2/1/2007 10:02 (#97497 - in reply to #97488)
Subject: Re: AGCO DT160


When you sell 4x as many as any other brand you need a bigger shop. ;)

In Southern MN there is area's were it is 9 green / 1 of every one else.
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Silver Shoes
Posted 2/1/2007 10:42 (#97512 - in reply to #97475)
Subject: Re: AGCO DT160

Seneca Kansas 66538
Kelly, who do you work for and how do you know Clinton and Leon at Lang Diesel? Getting any good used 160+ agco cvt's in? I wouldnt mind doing some trading, but new ones are pretty pricey.
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Posted 2/1/2007 12:31 (#97565 - in reply to #97496)
Subject: RE: bigger shop for what reason?

Macon, IL
I'm just kidding with you. Like most other Mfg's Deere has some good models and some bad models. You run anything for 20-30 years you are going to need a shop somewhere along the line.

Cracks me up when I read people saying I bought brand XXX tractor with 9,000 hours and after 200 hours transmission went out-XXXX sucks and I am never buying them again.

Nope, Deere aint perfect, some models I am sure are inferior to other competitors. But as a whole I think there is a reason they outsell everyone else.

But it sure is hard to beat their service-you pay for it-but it is the best-at least in our area.
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Posted 2/1/2007 13:13 (#97589 - in reply to #97463)
Subject: Re: AGCO DT160

Archer Iowa
He does new eq. set up and also repairs on many different things. When you have to wait for someone to travel 50 miles to look at the tractor durning planting time and they can't get it to work that gets old really quick. With all the fancy new things on the tractors now you better have somebody close and they better be good. Put 5 $100 bills under a 8530 in 5 different spots and see how long it takes for you to spot them, then do the same thing with aDT240. Never ment to say they all don't have problems but you need a good tech person to keep them going when the mice eat the wires. We did have new fuel pump put on by Cumms. They said that was the problem we only had about 135 hsp when they took it to the shop. Now maybe 175.
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Posted 2/2/2007 15:49 (#98203 - in reply to #97565)
Subject: As my Deere salesman says...

Alberta, Canada
Was talking to my Deere salesman yesterday, he said the new tractor should be delivered on Monday morning so long as they've got time to work on it (PDI) today, hopefully there wouldn't be any "sick tractors" coming into the shop instead. I made a comment on how I thought they didn't get sick, we were counting on it to be problem-free, and his response was that they spend most of their time fixing operator-caused problems, such as doing things with it that it wasn't designed to do. "Deeres don't break down, people break them."

And yes, we were both using dry humor there, so don't some of you go off on a rant about it.
All brands break down, some brands just build a better quality product, and some have better service than others.

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