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John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"
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Young Farmer 09
Posted 11/23/2009 00:24 (#934878)
Subject: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

Belzoni, Mississippi
I currenty run a 8650. It is the only tractor that i have. Its a good tractor but it seems to be a big baby. Its a good planting tractor and it will handle my 80 foot redball sprayer great. But not many other things it will do to good. Im pulling my 26 foot 490 disk with it right now and that seems to load it up at times. Its a light disk. Does anyone know what they were made for when john deere introduced them? When you look at it, it will deceive you. I mean you are looking at this big 4wd tractor and it cries when anything over in the field all day. A decent mfwd tractor will do more than it. But i will say, its not bad on fuel and it will boogy boogy down the road. I get 23 mph out of it. It does have the big engine it, not the small 4840 engine. Any other 8650 operators out there. Oh yeah, since driving it, i am slightly deaf now!! I think they are rated at 220 hp, is there anyway to get more out of them without it running hot? Before i rag too much on it, it starts up every morning for me and will go all day. So any ther 8650 drivers out there tell me about yours!! By the way, do you think it will handle a 30 foot turbo till?
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Dirtfarmer Jake
Posted 11/23/2009 00:31 (#934885 - in reply to #934878)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

Drumheller, Alberta
to get more out of it you will have to trade it off:)
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Posted 11/23/2009 00:42 (#934888 - in reply to #934878)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

Ellsworth IL
I'm thinking you 8650 might be a little sick I used to run one that was a horse , could pull an 8- 16's plow 10 inches deep in B-2 in black soil no problem . we only had a 24 ft 490 disk but you'd never have known it was back there and the 36 ft field cultivator was no issue at all .
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Fla Veggie Farmer
Posted 11/23/2009 01:04 (#934901 - in reply to #934888)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

Southeast Florida
Where he's located implement companies should do their test work. That sandy gumbo will let you know what it's made of.

Now that being said Melvin, you count everyday as a blessing that you’re not working on that 8650. Those tractors (30-50) series 4WD Deere’s will break you. You could be going tomorrow pulling that 490 and the top shaft in the transmission lockup or break a crankshaft. There’s a reason those tractor can be bough cheap. Now you also might own one of those that will go 10K hour’s trouble free, but those are few and far between.

Good luck and I might go down Goat Hill Rd tomorrow if this weather continues.
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Posted 11/23/2009 06:03 (#934937 - in reply to #934901)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

central Indiana
Never had an older tractor that ran until it was turned up...then don't over do it
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Posted 11/23/2009 08:02 (#935041 - in reply to #934937)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

My neighbor pulls a 32' jd 630 disk behind his. This is on silt loam soil though. I would say it would pull a 34' turbo till pretty easy I watched an 8230 pull a 34' with rolling basket Friday and it does a great job!
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Posted 11/23/2009 08:03 (#935042 - in reply to #934937)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

south central kansas
funny how things work I love mine. Pull a 33 foot 4995 krause disk, 24 foot krause chisel, 48 foot JD 960 field cult, 5-5 flex king blade that it plays with, (can also pull it with my 4640) Have a 32 foot chisel ive got sweeps on pull it real easy. I usualy run in b-2 but ocasnally with cult or blade c-2. usually run around 1,850 rpm with no problem. Ill admit it dont have any low end lug. Dont try to take off with imp in ground at 1200 rpm it wont do it. Im second owner and the motor was completly over hauld at 6,ooo hrs now has over 10,000. Iv had it for 7 years and other than a few hoses nothing. That being said Iv listened to Fla Veggie and a few more on here that hate them with a passion so there must be a reason. I know Ive got a neighbor with one that they say wont even pull their grain cart. But judging by all there stuff I always figgured it wasnt really tractors fault. I also have a straight pipe on mine and dont really think its any louder inside than any other of my tractors. Never thougt obout it being nosy in cab. But then I grew up in 20 series cabs so I might be half death. I better clarify so I dont get in trouble I dont think the straight pipe makes any more power. But when my wife is running it next to the shop it sure sounds good.
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Posted 11/23/2009 08:22 (#935070 - in reply to #934878)
Subject: Maybe this is the problem.....

Southeast Colorado
My first 10 years of farming I ran an 8630 JD. I loved that tractor in the beginning but it finally got too expensive to keep running. I actually traded it off broken down. As my farming progressed I bought bigger implements and this tractor had gotten to where it wouldn't hardly pull anything through the field. I just kept setting the implements shallower and limping through the field slowly. One day I was complaining to a neighbor farmer and he told me to check the line that runs from the top of your injector pump (aneroid) around the front of the engine, over to your intercooler. It senses when your turbo boosts your manifold pressure and triggers your injector pump to supply more fuel. I checked mine and sure enough it had rubbed a hole right at the front of the motor. We repaired it, went to the field and HOLY COW! I had a tractor! The last couple of years driving that tractor was a joy. No more PUSHING on the steering wheel trying to get the tractor to move. Funny how it physically wears you out driving a gutless tractor. I felt bad when it started having the costly breakdowns because I truly liked driving that tractor at the end of it's life here. I'm not sure if your 8650 is set up the same way but it probably is because my 8630 had the 8650 engine in it. By the way mine dynoed at 265 HP. Good luck!

Edited by tmrand 11/23/2009 08:58
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Posted 11/23/2009 09:47 (#935163 - in reply to #934878)
Subject: RE: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

The Original Lock Springs Rver Rat
Sounds to me lke it is in need of a rebuild,those are way better tractors then that.
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Posted 11/23/2009 10:00 (#935176 - in reply to #935163)
Subject: RE: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

sc kansas
I agree. Somthing is not right. Neighbor had one on 46 foot cultivator and it pulled it good.
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Posted 11/23/2009 10:29 (#935197 - in reply to #934878)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

SW Ontario
If there is something NOT mechanically wrong, I'd guess pump settings.
I would turn up the aneroid, and probably the main fuel screw as well. Start with the aneroid though, it changes the tractor behavior huge without increasing max fuel delivery.

Forgot to add that I have a 8640 and with the right pump settings it can be a beast. I turned mine up and was really happy with it, turned it up to 475hp...oh wait, that is the cummins 855 BCIII...I guess that does not apply.

No, but seriously, give the aneroid a turn, you will be amazed.
If you like more info you can call me, let me know if you want my number.

Edited by kinzepower 11/23/2009 10:37
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Posted 11/23/2009 15:45 (#935422 - in reply to #935197)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

Central Saskatchewan Canada
if your only getting 220hp there's something wrong. there rated at 285 engine and many dino over that.
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Posted 11/23/2009 15:57 (#935434 - in reply to #935422)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

Nusbaum Farms LLC Bellfountain, OR
I'll second that. The 8430 you see to the left is dyno'd at 205.

The aneroid line would be the first thing I'd look at.


Edited by massey760man 11/23/2009 15:57
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Rob D
Posted 11/23/2009 19:53 (#935630 - in reply to #935070)
Subject: RE: Maybe this is the problem.....

s.c. north dakota
That is exactly what happened to ours once, I thought I had lost the stop blocks on the cylinder on the chisel plow. It ran fine, but would hardly pull itself.
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Posted 11/23/2009 21:49 (#935831 - in reply to #935434)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

The only good thing about an 8650 is the TILT UP HOOD.
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Brad J
Posted 11/24/2009 01:47 (#936065 - in reply to #934878)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

Tangent, OR
We had an 8640 and it was a slug too. 8430 would pull past it. The 8640 had a '50 series motor in it and the 8430 was a better tractor until it got water in the oil and left "here". The '86 still haunts certain individuals.
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