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Ford 8630
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Posted 9/21/2009 10:06 (#854624)
Subject: Ford 8630

One of these popped up at the local dealer 93 with 2100hrs and the powershift transmission. Its a great looking tractor inside and out, also was this the same transmission they put in the Genesis tractors? I just want the good bad and ugly on them.
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Farmer Brown
Posted 9/21/2009 13:47 (#854780 - in reply to #854624)
Subject: Re: Ford 8630

Nebraska Panhandle
Had a 91 model. Was a good tractor, but was the roughest riding tractor I ever owned. Pretty good on fuel. Don't know about the transmission question. Mine was a powershift and had good luck with the transmission. Worst thing I remember about it was the lousy ride. That's not many hours for that year. I had 6000 hrs on mine when I traded it off. Should be a lot of life left in the tractor. Just buckle up -- it saves bumps on the head from the low roof.
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Posted 9/21/2009 15:02 (#854838 - in reply to #854780)
Subject: Re: Ford 8630

Central Michigan
We have an 8630 Ford, I have run it for two years now, ours we bought sight un-seen and had some issues, the dash required some work to get working and is pretty expencive. We had to have the dash working to calibrate the transmission, we still don't have it right so it tends to be jumpy as the clutch doesn't seem to let out it seems to be on or off in the low range. The jump between 9th and 10th gear is signifigant and tends to be were we do a signifigant amount of work. It does ride rough, but I am not used to new tractors so I never had too much to complain about. I would also wonder what you intend to use the tractor for, we have been running it on a john deere 7200 vac planter, and this spring wrecked the hydralic pump, as this planter requires and open system (I think) to run the vac motor and it has to do with priority. We also run hydralic motors on our beet harvestor and this puts a strain on the hydralic system. So do your homework on the type of system you need, cause we didn't and it cost some money, all in all I like the tractor, decent cab, decent power, just wish it had the right hydralic system and if we get the tranny working correctly I really like the design of the bump **** and quick forward to reverse ablity. It does seem to be good on fuel.
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