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Skid loader brush mower
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Luke the Duke
Posted 2/1/2025 12:42 (#11083808)
Subject: Skid loader brush mower

North Iowa
I would like to get a skid loader, brush mower attachment any suggestions? Pros and cons of different brands and styles? I am hoping somebody on here has had good and or bad luck with different ones so I don’t have to make the same mistake lol
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Posted 2/1/2025 12:51 (#11083822 - in reply to #11083808)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

I bought a Bobcat Brushcat high flow last summer it does a good job. It’s got a safety thing so that if the backend comes off the ground it shuts off. I’ve cut some 2 in Caraganas down. Real happy with it
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Posted 2/1/2025 12:51 (#11083823 - in reply to #11083808)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

I bought one from Rut Manufacturing a few years back for my Cat 259D3. Was great people to work with and it's well built. Cut brush bigger than I should with it and it hasn't gave me any problems. They also seem reasonable priced. Would buy again.
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Posted 2/1/2025 13:07 (#11083853 - in reply to #11083823)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

Fayette Co, Iowa
I have a 72 inch has the stabilizer straps for less bounce . Been good so far. 4years. Standard flow. Only complaint is my skid loader is standard flow and I run out of hydraulics in calf deep heavy weeds or thick grass. If I didn’t worry about cost I’d own a Diamond brand. I demoed one 7 years ago. Built tough and at the time pricey. Over twice the cost if I remember right
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Posted 2/1/2025 13:10 (#11083857 - in reply to #11083808)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

I have one of the cheap ones all the auctions sell. With updated blade and holder from tractor supply it does pretty good on a 317g.
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Posted 2/1/2025 14:48 (#11083949 - in reply to #11083808)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

Galena IL
Got a Loftness drum mulcher. Actually have two. Bought one for the excavator liked it well enough bought another for the SV97. They work great together, Excavator has a lot of reach and the skid steer cleans up the low stuff. (Excavator is a 323, lot to move around for smaller jobs) Go to Loftness web sight and call them , they will tell you what size mower will work well with your skid loader or Call Tom @ Toms Attachments 920-342-5657. Fecon has the name I Feel Loftness has as good maybe even better machine for less money.... Dennis
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Posted 2/1/2025 17:42 (#11084133 - in reply to #11083808)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

Have a Vail. Very happy with it. Has the mulching blades underneath.
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Posted 2/1/2025 18:38 (#11084216 - in reply to #11083808)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

western wi
What do you actually want to cut? I bought a vernig a few years ago. Kinda spendy but very well built. It has a 72 inch cut so it cuts the same width as my tires. A bunch I looked at are 72 inch but only cut 68-70 inches. I didn’t realize until I started looking at different ones there is such a difference. Some made more for grass, some for bigger brush and trees. Make sure you get one that when you shut the hydraulics off, there is a bypass valve so it doesn’t just stop, that will wreck stuff.
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Northern Farm Boy
Posted 2/1/2025 18:40 (#11084220 - in reply to #11084133)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

Central MN
Have a Virnig high flow brush cutter very good. They have many options of what you're looking for.

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Posted 2/1/2025 19:06 (#11084263 - in reply to #11083808)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

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Posted 2/1/2025 20:02 (#11084351 - in reply to #11083823)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

Pedee, Oregon
I also have a Rut mower. Standard flow. Works well for what power it has. Open front is nice for some things but really throws debris all over machine.
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Posted 2/1/2025 22:32 (#11084532 - in reply to #11083808)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

I brought a Blue Diamond 60 inch HD 3 blade brush cutter about ten years ago. I been well pleased with it, it a standard flow hydraulic gearbox. I use it for hard to get to places my ten pull type rotary cutter cannot gel into.
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Posted 2/2/2025 00:21 (#11084578 - in reply to #11084532)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

I rented a Vernig. it was a good rig.
I think it would have done better with a little more flow.
It was for a standard flow machine and it would stall out on my 26o John Deere in heavy weeds.
I was surprised it actually worked better in trees.
I couldn't hack the price so I ended up with a Jenkins. It is actually better for grass.
IF you want to do trees and brush, make sure you have a bullet proof door or are very cautious.
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Posted 2/2/2025 07:26 (#11084699 - in reply to #11084578)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

My Blue Diamond brush cutter works better in brush, briars, small trees. Heavy grass not so much. Probably could use a little more horsepower and flow skid loader, but I don’t run mine all day long and everyday.
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Posted 2/2/2025 09:01 (#11084868 - in reply to #11083808)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

central - east central Minnesota -

Luke the Duke - 2/1/2025 12:42 I would like to get a skid loader, brush mower attachment any suggestions? Pros and cons of different brands and styles? I am hoping somebody on here has had good and or bad luck with different ones so I don’t have to make the same mistake lol 

Lot of good makes listed above . . . .  Do Not Buy On Price Alone. You get what you pay for. The brush cutter needs to be matched with your skid steer / hydraulic power. If not, it will not matter, it will not preform and you'll be frustrated with the cut and capacity. Here are a few other very good brands. Brush Wolf (Cross-Tech mfg), Diamond mowers (commercial grade), Jenkins, Virnig mfg, are a few in the upper midwest. They all need to match your machine to their mower. The narrower the better. I have a brush wolf brand, it is 60 inch low flow for my 247b hydraulic flow. It's 6 inches narrower then the machine. It's not a big deal. In brush, you'll only use half the width to cut with to maintain enough power to cut. In grass, sometimes its the same, not taking a full cut to cut better/faster. So, don't be too hung up on getting the "biggest" one out there. Check on the price of replacement blades too, some are far less money then others . . . .

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Posted 2/2/2025 10:40 (#11085106 - in reply to #11084868)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

ON the size subject.
I was told not to get the bigger Jenkins as it might be to heavy for my skid loader.
What I didn't realize is that the larger one was direct drive and the one I got has a gear box.
That is not a big deal, but it is one more part subject to shock loads.
Also, If I have it raised up trimming tree limbs, oil might leak out the vent, or be in the wrong part of the box.
I like the strap holding the mower up as I do not gouge when mowing, but I am concerned the deck may tip back in the vertical position
Some mowers have a setting to run one way to in brush and the other for grass.
I think that would be useful in keeping the blades in good condition for grass.
The thought had crossed my mind to buy a cheaper one for grass. Wolverine has one I saw for around $1500. I think that was a new one but I didn't go look either.

Edited by IADAVE 2/2/2025 10:42
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Posted 2/2/2025 13:14 (#11085392 - in reply to #11083853)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

I also have a Jenkins High Flow model on a Cat 255 and love it. It is built heavy like all their other attachments and priced reasonable.
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Posted 2/4/2025 08:56 (#11088527 - in reply to #11083808)
Subject: RE: Skid loader brush mower

We need more information, what machine is it going on, high flow or standard flow? What do you want to cut with it on a regular basis, and maximum material size? That market runs from $4-5k imported glorified lawn mowers to $40k industrial duty mulchers and everything in between with big ranges in price/quality in each style.

My descriptions of the choices:
Brush Mower - "Bush-hog" style, closed hood. 2-3 blades on a disc, good for grass/weeds/brush up to say 3" that you could drive through with a bucket down and tilted back. $5-10k

Industrial Brush Cutter - Open style hood with a "V" in it, 2-3 shorter blades on a heavy fly-wheel. Will take on that 3-8" material, softwoods that you can work into that "v" to chop through if needed. Still does a good job on lighter material. $8-15k

Disc Mulchers - Open style hood with a "V" in it, no blades but a heavy flywheel with mulcher teeth on the radius and underneath. Will handle consistently larger material and hardwoods, starts to run more like a mulcher than a mower. Loses efficiency and cut quality in weeds/lighter brush. $15-25k

Drum Mulcher - Horizontal drum with knives, high production on cedars and similar. $20-30k

Forestry Mulcher - Horizontal drum with carbide teeth, full-on forestry applications, hardwoods. $25-40k
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