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case ih magnum rowtrac
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Posted 12/11/2022 11:15 (#9977222)
Subject: case ih magnum rowtrac

se michigan
was thinking about looking at a 340 magnum rowtrac 18 to 20 inch belts at 120 on center for planting. does anyone have one and what are the plus and minus of this setup
pulling a 16 row and thinking of going to 24 row in future.

thanks in advance for info
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Posted 12/11/2022 12:28 (#9977350 - in reply to #9977222)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

SE North Dakota
We have had one for a couple years. The thing I don’t like about it is the tracks aren’t long enough. We have 16 inch belts on ours and it will sink into the ground. Leaves more of a track than the planter does and the planter is on tracks. Track will not last as long as a two track imo. Rides nice in the field with the front suspension. I am not sold on the CVT either. Not worth the extra cost either.
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Posted 12/11/2022 12:56 (#9977407 - in reply to #9977350)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

"Famous Potatoes"
What silverluv said is exactly what I’ve seen. I have ran them next to two tracks on multiple occasions. The only thing better about a row track used to be road ride, but with undercarriage and cab suspension the two tracks are better on the road as well. The turning radius is also horrible. They don’t compare to a true track machine. More similar to a dualed mfwd. It’s a track tractor that can get a flat tire. And a wheel tractor with bogie wheel and track issues. Kind of pointless.
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Posted 12/11/2022 14:29 (#9977541 - in reply to #9977222)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

rrv, nd
I had 1 for a few years. It had 16" tracks on it, it left terrible tracks in spring. They are to heavy for 16s in my opinion. It worked awesome on scraper, narrow no riding on duals, and lots of traction, could load it up over full. The steps suck getting in and out. I would rather have an 8rx any day....
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Posted 12/11/2022 14:31 (#9977548 - in reply to #9977222)
Subject: NT

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Posted 12/11/2022 14:47 (#9977575 - in reply to #9977222)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

Everyone else making good points. I like ours a lot, it's been pretty trouble free. Berms bad on ends in soft ground and turns wide, have to use breaks to get turned around on 40'. This was my first year running it on a 16 row cultivator and that makes for a very nice setup, loved it for that. Now when time comes to trade would I get another, I'm not sure on that yet.
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Posted 12/11/2022 15:44 (#9977646 - in reply to #9977222)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

We have a 340 power shift row track on 16” belts. I like it better than the 340 with wheels it replaced. We haven’t had much trouble with it at all. I don’t think it berms at all and it turns quite easily in 40’. We also have a 380 CVT row track with the wide tracks. The wide tracks are way better in my opinion. As far as transmission I like them both. They both have over 3000 hours and are a long ways from needing tracks. I’m not a fan of 2 track tractors but that’s just me.
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Posted 12/11/2022 15:58 (#9977670 - in reply to #9977646)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

East Central Ia
Jrggrain - 12/11/2022 14:44

We have a 340 power shift row track on 16” belts. I like it better than the 340 with wheels it replaced. We haven’t had much trouble with it at all. I don’t think it berms at all and it turns quite easily in 40’. We also have a 380 CVT row track with the wide tracks. The wide tracks are way better in my opinion. As far as transmission I like them both. They both have over 3000 hours and are a long ways from needing tracks. I’m not a fan of 2 track tractors but that’s just me.

No experience with narrow tracks but we have a 400 setup with wide tracks and front wheels. We like it a lot and have not had any track issues. It had a leaky radiator after a few hours which was quickly replaced, annoying but not a big deal. We also had to replace the shift lever as it started throwing codes.

Other than that we like the tractor and the new cab.

We pull our 40’ bean planter, and 7300gal manure tank with it predominantly. No issues with turning.

The main and really somewhat major complaint we have is the cab entry steps are horribly narrow and you actually kind of lean sideways climbing into the cab. I don’t like my 72 year old father climbing in and out of it.

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Posted 12/11/2022 16:39 (#9977742 - in reply to #9977670)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

I suppose I should mention that we use our rowtrac on a mounted stack fold planter, so a lot more weight on the tracks and light on the front when turning which could cause worse berming and wide turns. Doesn't really berm at all pulling the grain cart.
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Green Acres Guy
Posted 12/11/2022 16:58 (#9977786 - in reply to #9977222)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

Latimer, Iowa (north central)
We have a 340 wheeled CVT and a 380 rowtrak magnum CVT. The 380 rowtrak is much superior for doing stuff in the field. To the point if rowtrak is available i will unhook the wheeled to get the smoother evener pull of rowtrak. I pull a 36 row 30 planter, air seeder and grain cart with the 380. it will also get put on our 63 foot roller just for ride quality after planting. The 340 pulls our 10,000 gallon manure tanks and runs mounted sprayer. I have tried the rowtrak on the tanks and did not like it. Rides too rough on the road and slower then the high speed CVT on wheeled.

Our current rowtrak has 22 or 24 inch track and i would not go narrower. We previously had a couple 18's and traded them out because of the tracks being too narrow and issues others have described above. For us one of each is the combo to Have because they both have their place. If just planting with a 16 or 24 row a rowtrak seems like overkill. Could go 30's on rowtrak if just planting and grain cart, lots of stuff here planted into quadtrak tracks

Have sidedressed with a rowtrak on 18's and it worked well

Edited by Green Acres Guy 12/11/2022 17:01
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Posted 12/11/2022 19:14 (#9978043 - in reply to #9977670)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

South Central MN
Just curious, do you do much loaded roading with the manure tank behind that tractor? How does it ride with the loaded tank on the road? Any problems stopping? What's top speed loaded?
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Posted 12/11/2022 19:33 (#9978095 - in reply to #9978043)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

Not sure if this helps but we have a farm on 2 sides of a river with the bins all being on one side. The farthest field is 3 miles on gravel roads to the bins. We haul to the bins with fully loaded Brent 1082s wide open 26 mph with the 380 wide track and 19 with the 340 narrow as long as road conditions allow. The ride is good and no lack of stopping power.
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Posted 12/11/2022 19:48 (#9978134 - in reply to #9978043)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

East Central Ia
chirpfarm - 12/11/2022 18:14

Just curious, do you do much loaded roading with the manure tank behind that tractor? How does it ride with the loaded tank on the road? Any problems stopping? What's top speed loaded?

Brother runs the poo crew so I can’t answer much other then he likes it.

We do not road them at all. We have tanker trailers and a frac tank that we use. It’s amazing how quickly productivity goes down when you have to move manure any distance. We will tank even a mile, it’s just faster and safer.
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Posted 12/11/2022 20:30 (#9978214 - in reply to #9978134)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

South Central MN
We've considered a tanker but it's nice only tieing up one guy. Plus we've been told it'd take 2 tankers to keep 1 7300 applicator running on our 4 mile round trips.
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Posted 12/11/2022 20:49 (#9978261 - in reply to #9977222)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

Central Illinois
Ride quality and traction is the major advantage with rowtracs. We rarely see more than 2-3% slip. There were a lot of problems with earlier Magnum Rowtrac narrow tracks (16/18) on the narrow undercarriage especially with extended road time or 3pt loads. I have 24" tracks set at 120" and have not had any problems with tracks, but I do have very limited roading (and limit my speed). If you are going slow on the ends for planting, berming is almost non existent (unlike 2 track tractor). I have seen beaming on the grain cart if it comes in a little hot then a sharp turn, but the berm is actually coming from the front tires. As said earlier the entry steps are a bit awkward, but not a real issue unless you have mobility problems. The wide stance makes accessibility much easier if the tractor needs worked on. The ride height is slightly taller so good for the grain cart. The 340 could have a PS or CVT. The CVT is much preferred for the planter or grain cart, but you would probably give up some pull on heavy tillage. These are heavier than their wheeled counterpart. If you want to increase the horsepower, it can easily be made a 380+ with a CVT, but not the power shift. If your plan is to get from one field to the next fast then the wheeled tractor is quicker, but actually working in the field I would not want to go back to wheels.
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Posted 12/14/2022 18:46 (#9983326 - in reply to #9978261)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

se michigan
24 inch tracks pose no problems with planting 30 inch rows?
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Posted 12/15/2022 12:42 (#9984791 - in reply to #9983326)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

Central Illinois
farmswaytoomuch - 12/14/2022 17:46

24 inch tracks pose no problems with planting 30 inch rows?

Not at all from what I have seen. The tread width is only about 22" on the 24" tracks and the compaction does not appear to go to the sides like radial tires. I would definitely not want to plant 30" rows behind a 24" radial, but I believe there is no problem at all behind the tracks.

Edited by Illini90 12/15/2022 12:42
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Posted 12/15/2022 16:00 (#9985160 - in reply to #9984791)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

se michigan
merry christmas to everyone!
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Posted 7/22/2023 18:10 (#10327297 - in reply to #9977222)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

Our experience with 18" tracks has been less than ideal. The tractor is borderline too heavy for the narrow undercarriage by default basically, and then if you carry 3 point loads it only goes down hill from there.

24" tracks on the other hand have been a pleasure.
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