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1770 vac motor plumbing? 2 fans in series?
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Posted 3/28/2025 11:07 (#11165077 - in reply to #11165065)
Subject: RE: 1770 vac motor plumbing? 2 fans in series?

West Central MN
Vacuum setting on eSets depends on seed size. "Normal" use of medium and large rounds/flats, run them anywhere from 18-20. In genral, would say it is better to err on too much than too little vacuum. 15 would be for small seed and would say that is dancing around the bare minimum. How many seeds per pound?

Bypass tube on the motor is reduce the risk of blowing out seals when oil flow to the motor suddenly stops.

Edited by RecreationalTillage 3/28/2025 11:10
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