SW Iowa, Clarinda | SW Iowa here, I had a field of rye that I planted to cover crop with the intentions to almost definitely terminate in the later part of spring when it gets around 2-3 ft tall. It was broadcast seeded roughly 1 week ago and has since received 1 inch of rain approximately 5 days ago. So I assume it has started to germinate. My question is this: My neighbor wants me to bale the corn stalks on that same field that was harvested roughly 30 days ago. We took the spreaders off when harvesting. We would run the 15 ft bushhogg over the stalks and then rake with a wheel rake, then bale......How much is this going to negatively affect my cover crop stand? It was broadcast at 60 lbs/acre with the P & K along with it.
The stalks are to be used for hog bedding and I then get the manure (already there from past batches of hogs). Is is worth worrying about or should I just do it? I know the wheel rake will slightly disturb the soil some, but will it affect the rye stand?
We've done the hog manure in the past on this field and got along great. Next crop will be soybeans.
Thanks in advance.
BV | |