EC Illinois | What is everybody's thoughts on esn? I'm 100% no till in 15" rows and I'm concerned about N losses with various options. I don't want to be one of those guys who blows 28 or urea on and prays for a timely rain. Local Nutrien guy says esn is great but it also costs about $100 more a ton. He adds that urea treated with agritain isn't much cheaper than esn and isn't as good. I'm as skeptical as the next guy so I'm here to ask the hive mind about their experiences and whether or not it's a worthwhile product. I do not yet have 2x2 on my planter so that isn't an option, anhydrous also doesn't work because of the narrow row corn. It's pretty much either a liquid broadcast or dry broadcast pre plant. Are there any good liquid stabilizers I might consider for a liquid 23 or 32 app? Thanks | |