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Tear down old barn?
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Posted 11/1/2014 01:49 (#4154734)
Subject: Tear down old barn?

Frytown, Iowa
Has anyone tore down a solid well built barn that just has no current value to them? I have a well built barn that could easily stand for another 50 years but is right where I want a shop/machine shed. It can't be transformed into a shop. It has a milking parlor floor (uneven) and hay loft is part of the structure. The doors are 8 foot wide with heavy beams going clear to the top making it hard to make doors wider...

Lumber is heavy thick stuff antique places would die for. I'm hesitant because it is such a nice old barn. Will we be as in love with our hog barns in 50 years? That's what it is... A place to hold livestock yet it does hold a different "romantic" charm to a place.

I don't know if I can bring myself to it. Can't even get my mustang (car) in it without ramp boards to get over the unevenness of the door. Just a place to store junk I guess. Could be holding my sprayer and planter instead.

Had a carpenter come out and look at it. He said it would take as much money in labor to remodel it and have it not be what you want as it would to tear it down and put up a pole shed and have what you want

Edited by frytownfarmer 11/1/2014 01:52
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