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making no till drill work in tilled ground???????????
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bad farmer
Posted 9/21/2016 22:08 (#5542084)
Subject: making no till drill work in tilled ground???????????

no welfare payments on this farm!!!!!!!!
looking for suggestions, got a sunflower no till/mintill drill and a 1590 john deere no till drill, have sugar sand that was worked to level up ground and ditches and trying to get covercrop planted 1 inch deep with either of these drills but having problems, alot of corn stalk residue cause simply cant burry it due to 25% slopes and trying to reduce erosion. good moisture in soil but both drills seem to just drag when they come to heavy residue. im thinking i am doing something wrong, the sunflower is semi mount and have raised the 3 point all the way up and all the way down, tried deep and shallow, both have new blades on them which could need some shining but it should work and want to get it done. any suggestions other then wait for a nice rain helpful?
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Posted 9/21/2016 22:32 (#5542139 - in reply to #5542084)
Subject: RE: making no till drill work in tilled ground???????????

Wheelersburg and Lancaster, Ohio
Cultipacker?? Maybe. I have an old Liliston that does the same thing. I have even take the coulters off and lowered the press wheels all the way to try and take some of the weight off each set of openers.

Edited by Jdel 9/21/2016 22:35
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Posted 9/22/2016 05:47 (#5542329 - in reply to #5542139)
Subject: RE: making no till drill work in tilled ground???????????

SE Nebraska, Near Misery and Cans Ass!

Broadcast the seed and use a phillips or Phoenix harrow on it. Ain't sugarclay a blast?

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Posted 9/22/2016 10:38 (#5542809 - in reply to #5542329)
Subject: RE: making no till drill work in tilled ground???????????

WC Ohio
+1 at work we broadcast cover crops all of the time and guys will work them in. I would think this would be cheaper than running a drill and a lot fewer headaches.
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Posted 9/22/2016 07:07 (#5542441 - in reply to #5542084)
Subject: RE: making no till drill work in tilled ground???????????

ottertail co mn
I have land rolled before I plant in those conditions. It definitely helped from plugging every 100 feet down to maybe once a round.
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Posted 9/22/2016 07:34 (#5542489 - in reply to #5542441)
Subject: RE: making no till drill work in tilled ground???????????

Neighbor big fan of roll first then plant.
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Posted 9/22/2016 11:03 (#5542856 - in reply to #5542489)
Subject: RE: making no till drill work in tilled ground???????????

New Brunswick, Canada
Lot of people are, its call a brillion seeder.

PE. - 9/22/2016 07:34

Neighbor big fan of roll first then plant.
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Posted 9/22/2016 07:48 (#5542517 - in reply to #5542084)
Subject: RE: making no till drill work in tilled ground???????????

If the ground is soft, the counters will not cut through the trash and will push it and jam up instead. The press wheels also won't work in soft stuff. Tried this once with a Lilliston and could never get it to work.I don't think there is much you can do until the soil firms up. You could try using a packer and waiting for a rain to firm up the ground but that still might not work. No till drills need firm or hard ground to work. If you need to get it planted, buy or rent a conventional drill.
Just noticed you are planting cover, can you seed with an airplane and lightly disc it in?

Edited by wilddog 9/22/2016 07:52
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Posted 9/22/2016 08:14 (#5542568 - in reply to #5542084)
Subject: RE: making no till drill work in tilled ground???????????

Stafford County, Kansas
Put drill in float and roll
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Posted 9/22/2016 10:13 (#5542773 - in reply to #5542084)
Subject: RE: making no till drill work in tilled ground???????????

what are you trying to plant, get a herd type seed or if a lot of bulk, get a regular spreader.
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Posted 9/22/2016 20:58 (#5543699 - in reply to #5542084)
Subject: RE: making no till drill work in tilled ground???????????

Cambridge, southwestern Nebraska
reduce the down pressure as much as you can on the openers.
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Posted 9/23/2016 05:57 (#5544085 - in reply to #5543699)
Subject: RE: making no till drill work in tilled ground???????????

deep SW On.
And on the 1590's the in furrow press wheel take all spring pressure off it so it doesn't push seed deep
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