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Advice needed- Pre-pubic tendon tear/Belly rupture
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Posted 2/8/2016 16:32 (#5096965)
Subject: Advice needed- Pre-pubic tendon tear/Belly rupture

Discovered this poor girl around 3am two nights ago when I went out to check cows and the lambing barn, and had to do a double take. This is the first time I've ever seen this in my 28 years, but my grandmother recalls this happening a time or two in our 90+ years of having sheep. Surprisingly, she's a first timer, which shocked the vet when I spoke with her. I've penned her off separately, am watching her for toxemia and am prepared to assist in delivery. Anything I can do to make her more comfortable? She has finally laid down and can get up on her own power.

Updated to add: We turned rams out September 15, so we'll start lambing any day.

Edited by AndersonHerefords 2/8/2016 16:38


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IL cow man
Posted 2/8/2016 16:54 (#5097002 - in reply to #5096965)
Subject: RE: Advice needed- Pre-pubic tendon tear/Belly rupture

Buffalo IL
The only thing I would do is see if she lambs OK, sell her, sell her lambs, sell her mom and sell her dad. Ruptures or anything like that come from both parents.
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Posted 2/8/2016 18:53 (#5097273 - in reply to #5097002)
Subject: RE: Advice needed- Pre-pubic tendon tear/Belly rupture

Northern Minnesota

Are you sure?  Couldn't it just be age, weak muscles, abnormally heavy (hydrops) pregnancy etc.  Not a sheep person but surprised to hear it described as inheritable defect.....muscles and tendons and ligaments just tear all the time don't they?  Thanks

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Posted 2/8/2016 20:42 (#5097644 - in reply to #5097273)
Subject: RE: Advice needed- Pre-pubic tendon tear/Belly rupture

Meadowlands- my vet thought it was odd a ewe this young had this happen. She said there's been very few studies or evidence to suggest this is a congenital disorder, but there's always a chance it is.
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IA Jackrabbit
Posted 2/8/2016 16:57 (#5097006 - in reply to #5096965)
Subject: RE: Advice needed- Pre-pubic tendon tear/Belly rupture

NW Iowa-Lyon
I had that happen to an ewe once. Lets just say she won't make it. That is what the vet told me. I had to do a c-section because she was not able to get the lambs to go up the birthing canal and she ended up dieing during the c-section from all the stress.
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Posted 2/8/2016 17:16 (#5097029 - in reply to #5097006)
Subject: RE: Advice needed- Pre-pubic tendon tear/Belly rupture

Yes, plan is to sell her, should she lamb without dying or we don't have to result in a terminal cesarean. Hoping once other lambs start arriving I could graft hers (if they live) onto another ewe.

We've already shipped the sire of her (a Southdown), and only have 20-25 daughters from him about to lamb. Here's to hoping our genetics from years of hard culling of problematic ewes outweigh any potential trends of problems he may have introduced.
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Posted 2/8/2016 18:54 (#5097276 - in reply to #5097029)
Subject: RE: Advice needed- Pre-pubic tendon tear/Belly rupture

south east Indiana
Only have had 1 ever pre pubic tendon rupture prior to lambing. Last year actually. I watched her close and did assist in lambing - pulled large twins. Because of the rupture they were not positioned well enough to have on her own I do not think. Twins were fine. I was expecting her not to do well and to have to bottle lambs - wrong. Her full bag was LOW with teats down really low but the lambs figured it out and 3/5 days after lambing she was looking much better. Raised her twins - she was shipped on the next train but I must say she hung in there and did her job. I did keep her in for a couple weeks because I felt bad for her with her bag down around her ankles. After lambing and getting rid of the extra weight things progressively looked more normal so dont count her out yet.

I do think she will need help lambing since lambs are down quite a bit and have to come up and out.
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Ben E
Posted 2/8/2016 21:24 (#5097790 - in reply to #5097276)
Subject: RE: Advice needed- Pre-pubic tendon tear/Belly rupture

We've had it happen twice. The first one we did a c-section that started with a .22 and were able to get the lambs out alive. The ewe was even worse off than this one and she wasn't going to make it. I'm not sure how old she was.

Second one was this year and not as bad. We had the vet out for something else that day and we tossed around all kinds of crazy ideas. We induced her and she dropped the lambs in about 4 hours, I assume she was going to go anyway. Additionally the vet and my wife both thought I was using some Denver tobacco or something, but when my wife was pregnant she had a velcro and elastic band to support the weight of the baby. My thought was if it worked for her why not the sheep. With that we took some of the same and made what looked like a really wide flank strap like you would see on a bucking bull. Gave her a little extra support and after 4 or 5 days we took it off. Between getting the weight off and giving her a little time to knit together she appears to be holding together. This year's problem child is a 2010, so not old she's not a spring chicken either. My vote is that she takes a ride with the easter market lambs, but she is momma's favorite. I'm guessing I'm going to get to dig a hole next spring when the train comes off the tracks-again.
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Posted 2/8/2016 21:29 (#5097805 - in reply to #5097276)
Subject: RE: Advice needed- Pre-pubic tendon tear/Belly rupture

NW Central Ohio
...would confining her about lambing time..and finding a small (short) table, box or something to support her belly help her lamb? I'm thinking you would need to tie her in a corner...and then lift her on to a support.
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Posted 2/8/2016 22:45 (#5097978 - in reply to #5096965)
Subject: RE: Advice needed- Pre-pubic tendon tear/Belly rupture

South Dakota
We used to run a lot of sheep here. There were a few that ended up looking like this one. The cause was always getting run over by the hay rack or something, it never "just happened". Based on my experience, if the lambs come out ok, she can raise them. Give her a little extra care.

I guess it could also be a heritable trait.

Edited by mralleyoop 2/8/2016 22:48
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