Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn. | Not your exact situation but I purchased a feeler steer kit for my Deere 608C corn head and my Deere 9770 from the Headsight company. The product/kit I purchased was called Truesight 2.
It allows me to use the steering wheel motor from my Ag Leader Steady Steer system with their feelers.
I use the Ag Leader steering wheel motor with the Ag Leader Steady Steer controller in soybeans where the guidance is based on AB lines and GPS.
When I switch to corn, I move a couple of connectors. Then the Truesight 2 controls the Ag Leader steering wheel motor based on input from the row feelers and various other sensors.
They make various kits that allow various steering systems to be used with feelers in a wide variety of situations so they may be an option for you.
My kit consisted of the feelers themselves which attach under a snout on the corn head and rub against the inside of a pair of rows. The feelers are attached to a sensor which leads through the corn head to a disconnect point which is necessary to remove/attach the corn head. The remainder of the kit lives and stays with the combine. There is a seat sensor for safety, a connection to ground speed, a connection to the throat height, a wheel angle sensor and a momentary switch to engage/disengage the steering.
These sensors and inputs all lead to the Truesight 2 controller. The controller makes decisions as to whether auto steering should be allowed. If the steering controller feels it is safe to engage, it sends control signals to the steering motor (or hydraulic steering valve if so equipped) to control the steering.
Some setup and fine tuning is necessary for initial setup and to allow the unit to operate after road travel as the steering is locked out when the ground speed is excessive. In my case, this is done via the UT terminal on my Ag Leader InCommand 1200.
It might seem confusing to have two separate systems involved for steering but only one is in charge at a time. I'm very happy with this combination.
The Headsight company has been purchased by Precison Planting. Here is a link to the current website:
Strangely the website doesn't seem to mention Steady Steer (Ag Leader's current assisted steering product) that I use. Maybe an oversight, maybe they no longer support it but mine works great.
Edited by tedbear 2/4/2025 07:13