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Suggestions for yield monitor set-up
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Posted 2/1/2025 15:32 (#11084004 - in reply to #11083598)
Subject: RE: Suggestions for yield monitor set-up


gif4445 - 2/1/2025 10:23 Just made an edit to my initial post. "The initial reason why I went with Trimble was that it was the system my custom strip-till guy was using. My understanding is that Deere & Trimble are not compatible as for as AB lines are concerned."

You can move lines back and forth now-adays. Yes they use a different north so if you didn't "translate" them during import/export and had long north/south rows you would see a difference on strip till. If you had east/west rows you'd never know. 

Ag Leader would have no issues with the custom lines. But you could use them with a few more steps if you wanted the JD route 

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