| Small (400 acre) farmer here. Late arrival to the GPS guidance party. I've been running a Trimble FM 750 on my JD 4430 and JD 9650 for the last 3 years and really happy with it, But would like to get a system with an accurate yield monitor. I've heard that is problematic with the FX 750. What would you fella's suggest? Could be new or used, but obviously with fewer acres to spread the cost over, used could make more sense. Accuracy is pretty important here, as I've signed up for N-time and need usable feedback from the yield monitor.
Edit: The initial reason why I went with Trimble was that it was the system my custom strip-till guy was using. My understanding is that Deere & Trimble are not compatible as for as AB lines are concerned.
Edited by gif4445 2/1/2025 10:21
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